Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 169, 21 Iulai 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Aaoilon Sale of Bice PIantatation ftt Waiklki-kai. In of lns«niction» from l IO St7N of K»«, Istsad ot Oshn. H. L. Ihe asin«(t ia • CtaUle Mor»oc?- execnted br OHEONO KIM TAL dat*d October S»lh. I9U. Mid recorded in Uber 1». p*cee 257-«. I «hnll «eil to tbe h«best bidden kt »action. ,t q)t S*ic« Roow. Honoloiu. on SATVRDAT the S*th d«T of JoIt. 18M. at 13 o'eioek noon. the lbUowti< pcoperty, ria; Tbe Rice PlaniaUon. known u tbe (.heon* Kim T*ā. (fornieriy Ihe Tee Hop Co>. PUnt» tioo. at Waikiki-knL Honolaln. inelaaia* *ll of lands embraced therein. on whieh are awellioe bo«se. oulhooae*. thre»hinc door and eqnipraent* of • weU condncted ric« pUntation. iho *ll the nnpiemenl* of cult> T*tioo, hor*en, w*gon, etc. A $ebednie of tbe le*s»# *nd otber propertr concerned m*j be wten *t the offlce of C. H. Ashtv>*d. Attorner for the Morttnwree. Teras* ot S«le, Ca»b. Deeds it expense of purcb*ser. L. «T. Levey, Aucti(merr.
ADmiSTRATOB*§ XOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED h*ring heen dnlj appointed Administr«tor of thV £state of P.\HIA KALOI k. of Uokae, Hana. Mani. deoeaaed. wonId herewith gire notīcc to all persons haring acconnts against the said estate to preaent them to him, propeHy <roru to, trithin six months from date hereof, or th«y will be forerer barred. And all penuns owmg th« said estate are reqnest«d to settle forthwith. M. H. REUTER, Administrator of the Estate of P&hia Kaloi deceased. Hana, Mani, Jnly Tth, 1S94. jy9-lm POUND MASTER’S NOTiCE. Notice is bereby giren to all persous, that there u at the Ōovernment Poond at Makiki, one strayed red mare, brand indiscribable on the right hind leg, taii hare heen shorten and feet are shod. Any peiaon or persous owned thts mare are reqneeted to eome and take the same on or before the day of sale. 12 o'eloek noon SATURDAT. JULY 21 th, ISW. JAMES KUKONA. Poond M«ster. Makiki, July 9th. 189*. 1-w dly CRITERION 3AL00N, Weiiand>Extra*Paie Lager Eeep 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jyl4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r T. B. Murray I» ¥et to be Found On the Old ht«nd, ¥o. 44 hlng Nt.—Uii Bnsiness u» CARRIAGE ANQ HMiUNimK Goes On. When the “PEOPLES’ P ARTY” gets smashed he will be ready to HEPAIE, PAIHĪ AND TB1« lī At a Reasonable Figore.—Too Eitra a Charge for Farnishiūg them with Oommon Sense. LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL ĪELEPHONE 572. j*2l Cm
Anchor-:-Saioon Ex “AUSTRAUA f w Another Invoice of the WorId Henowneei FREDERICKSBURG U6ER REER On dnnght *n<i b ihe fc«g. Alao, u r Speci*Jtj, SH4U FRĒ3H G*ufohhh 0Y3TERS, KOR OOOKTAU<9 "V»»«