Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
== Mb. J Emmeluīh a while ago made a most praisewortby effort I of obtaining access to the sworn annnal corporation exhibits aud i to tho tax b-K)ks but tbe Miuister ! of In/erior refused him and wns 1 sustained by the councils. It is to be regretted th.at Mr. Emme luth bas dropped the matterHis object that tbe planters pay taxes on- their property whieh are decidedly inadequate and thjt tbe laboring classespay comparatively mueh bighor t«ies than do the Christian patriotic sugar~barons wbo sweat tbe poor. Mr. Emmelutb could do lots of good by takiug the matter up and see if it is impos£iblo to eompel puhlie officers to opeu puhlie property aud documents for puhlie iuspection. A writ cf mandamus migbt fetch tlffi miuisters round.