Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
DAINIPPON Hotel *treet (Arlington Block.) A »bore Store ha« rec«Ted n>oth« Spkadid Invoioe of Japanese jSlLK, j-ANCY pOODS, Per S. S. “China.” —cojirEisi>o— BEAUT1FUL SILK AND CRAPE. Dre*4 Good* in »11 sh»de, pUin and fignred. Co»hioiM, Tabl« CoverB, Bed Covere, Gowns, Chemises, ShawU. Silk Crape Riinbow Sis, All Colore Fancr Draperiea, EHBR01DEEED HNDKERGHIEFS Doillies, Softrfs, Sftshes, Jacketft, Capa, Etc., Etc. NOVELTIES: ■ • l’he these Ooods will astonish you including . r f ELECANT SILK KIM0N08I Handaomo Cigarette Cuses, Pin Cnshions, Silk Tea Cossiee, LiR«E 1M) SM1LL J4FIHESE RU«S Silk Unibrellas, lisht but strong; Chair Saddlee, Silk; Bamboo Blinds, titted with pnlleys; Silk Lunp Shados, new style. J AVANESESCREENS, From *»Tp. L1RUE JlPl.NESE UIBRELL1S f'$y Can be Sot with Pole in the ground, nioe (or Pioniea or Lnnohee ont of doore, they eau be opened ont or used aa a teflt. COTTON CRAPES IN GREAT VARIETY tyiuspection Reapectfully Invited. MRS. J. P. P. OOLLOO, Proprietress. Aprl--3ma JUST ARRIYED, q 53 BABY • CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLE8, RUQS, . MATS, IX THE LATKST PATTEEXa. “.HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Ham> Sewikq Machlkzs, |JTA11 Wuh ihe L»t—t Iaaprpr—ala^NP PABLOB Ort2:ans, Guitars Aui.OOwe Mnakaal InatrumeoU. Wines, Uquors, Beer ALW AT8 08 HA8D. &8D POB SAUt B¥ ED. H0FF8GHL1CGEB l C& Ca« 8L. oppo. Outb * OnM PAOinO 8AL00W, nr BDW. ru im ct LIQU0B8i