Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Rcpublic ofUa* waii is to hlame that Ihe pn’ee of SOAP dropped ten per cent.. and I am therefore cami>ellfctl to sell one ease, 100 i>ounds, of the very best qua!ity of Soap— honest weight — for $4.50, and you will now get 17 | Bars instead of 15 for $1.25: but it 7 diJ not affect the price of Soft | S>ap. If you need anything in \ this line please ring up Mutual Peiephone 314, and the Soft Soap i Mau will do the rest. tf

Honoluiu Carriage Manufactory 'V. W, WRIGHT, Prophietor, (Sacce#sor to G. West). PaRRIAGE BL'ILDING axd REPAIRIXG. All|)nlert from the Other Islaads in the Carrwge Buildin», Trimniintr and Painting I ; Line will Meet with Prompt Attcntion. | Blackstnithin<; in All Its Varions Bmnches : Done. P. O. Box S2I. Nos. I2S and 130 i Fort Strect. jvI9 Iy Fernandes & Gomes —wuolesav«J — California Wines and Spir>ts, No. 502 Fort St„ Honolulu, H. I. P. 0. Box 436, Mutual Tele. 140. jy*30 9m A. G. CORREA, AT LAW,_^3 307 Merchant Street, Honolulu. jy20 »1x0 iies ki:e. TINSM1TH axd DEALER IN TINWARE. ) Piping Laid and Repaired. All Orders Promptly Attended to. I Charges Very Moderate. Call and See Us. No. 222 Maunakea St., Honolulu. jy20 Im 9fEETIXO XOTICTL ALL RESIDENT MEMBEES OF THE oaiversa’ ordero( Brotuerhood of M_av are I 1 reqaeated to attend the continnons serrice8 ■ i held during the week at thc PAXTHEjN. Cool invigorating dranghts of £nterprise Beer dispensed to thirsty pilgrim8 at Zwei ' for one quarter. Harrt Millek Dispercer in Chief. LIE SUNG KEE, 49 KING 8TREET. TINSMITH, avd DEALER IN GLASSwaxe. Cro«kery, Coal-Oil Stuves, Water Pota -Platnh ; ng i'n Ali lu Braftches FaithfnDy Erecnted. jvlS-lT «ITOHAN, M |MPORTK2 avd DEALER IN OENEHAL I Herchlndūe. Exclo8irely of J»paneae ■ Manufaclnre—WUOLESALE i R£TAiL. 201 &nd 306 Fort Street. 0 P. O. Box 116 Muiua! Tele. 592. jyl8 — TO L£T or LEAME. *bonse on King Street aext to T. R. Walker’« pieaiae conUining perlor. dimng I room and tLrae bedrooma, besides kiteben bathroom at-bfe« acd all modern eoneenience.s—lately oecapied by Mr. Bmahee. Bentmodentotorespun«biep«rty. Addreaa jyl6 ABRAHAM FERNANDE2. XOTICE. FROM this datb, b. p. hofflcker ia a'one anthorixed io dr»w draft or to give orden for mercfaandise or aappliea on behalf of the Hawaiiaa Comm«cial and RagAf CooipACJ THE HAWAIIAN C0MM£BC1AL AND SCGABCOMPANT C. A.Snuruu. Oeeeni M*aager. JylT-3w PANĪHEON SALOON, FORT AND HOTEL STS. Heai<urten Eilenme Brt»m Gt LugNt Cona»gnment of Boer tbat aver amved faere, now oa Draogfat I. DODD, Pwp »