Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 Iulai 1894 — LADIES COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
In the future this eolumn wil be devoted to the interes*a of the Ladies. In it you will lind mneh that will not only interestyou from week to week, but tbat vw ili be of benefit to you, by savint: you mueh time, troub!e and money in doing your shopping. We have inaugurated Special S.iles days that will be distinctly marked down days in our prices«we say mark down in prices, that means a raark tlown worthy of your attention. MONDAY starts the S.ile a rolling with a Sale of Hosiering at prices never before heard of. We have just received an immense stock of them—and they are going at your prices—while our Merrimae Prints will be closed out at 5 cts. per yard. SATURDAY will see a remnant sale —we have not many, and don’t want any, so they go for whatever they are worth to you. Every dress pattern we have in Stock and many of th|m are perfectly lovely, has got to be sold We bought for that purpose. but as Cut R«tes seera to bo the order of the day we dmpped on them a!so. In fact eall for whatever you w«nt in our line, and compare it with prices you have received before «nd you will see at onee that this is not siroply an «dvertiaement to catch your trade, bul a statement of facts. Everv d-ty is a cb*arance sa!e with us. For over 40 years we bavele«k all.when it gets to Higb Class of Goods and Pooul*r Pr«Ct3. We are making greater effort« ihan before. and will not be under* sold. At present time ia too sbort to enumerate tbe New Goods we have received bv the Australia. We are unpacking tbem as fast as wecan.aud bavehardly bad iimelo put tbe prices on many of them before they were suapped up by anxious buyers- Keep your eyee on th aoolumn someth:ng iscommg <vx)n to eurprise you all. B, F. EklenAC«. jy20-tf