Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 Iulai 1894 — The Paper Chase. [ARTICLE]
The Paper Chase.
Tbe proposed Vbare and honod,” or “papeL,” cbase was started as inteade.,l last «vening from Mclntyre’s corner at 7:25 pm. Mr. S. Croizer of tbe Amatner j Atbletic Association was tbe S starter, aod hc gave tbe b'ares James Spencer and Prince Capid a start of six minntes before slipping the iea.sh of tbe honnds. . Eaeh of the hares carried a bag of paper slips for use in designating the conrse Uiken, but thoj , were most chary in delivery and even at the first doub!e, Likelike street. bnt little evidence was obtainable of the conrse. the nbitquitous small boy becoming a more definite pointer. Thecourse of the hares at tbe start was learned to have been in and j about varions highways and by- ! ways over fences, Uirough yards | and dnck ponds, within the territory enclosed betwoen Punchbowl j Emma, Beritannia, Thomas! Sqaare, tbe 01d Plantat’.on, ete. ' etc. Then a double was made and a long reacb, from be i neath the shades of tbe unoeeupii ed New Market Hoose, to Mauna- : kea street thence ou by dovioos ; ways to 8chool street where the paper given out the bags were dropped, and hares succeeded | for home arriving at the raark again uncaptured at 8:20, ft little over an hour iu the run, and j having covered a distanoe of about eight railes. Masters Ly- | ler and Gurapher were tlie first ' of the hounela to return, about | three rainntes bchind tho hares, but, on investigatiou it was found tbat they had not gone | over tbe route. The rest of tbe boys about 15 in unmber eame in j about 8:50 without the bag, and ; Wright picked up the lost trail i and fouud the articlo. Decision will be given this evening at the meeting of tbe association.