Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 Iulai 1894 — A SHOOTING SCRAPE. [ARTICLE]
, Woods the Pitcher for the Oretcents Shot. There has been considerable «xcitement in baseball circles since last 8aturday’s game when tbe pitcber for tfie Crescents, Woods admitted that he soldthe game. The action of the farorite pitcber created considerable illfeeling and several men were accnsed of having bribed him. Nothing however had been proved so far. The row ended last night in an altercation between Arthur Wbiteand Woodsin whieh tbe latter claims that be was shot throngh the thigh by White. Ae- J cording to the deposition given to the poliee by Woods he was Lnduced to drive out late last night to Kamoiliili with White ; and W. Wilder, a p!ayer in the : Crescent team. He claims that he was assaulted by White who drew a pisto! and shot him in the thigh near the hip. White, who is one of thc proprietors of the ArIington Billiard Parlors and a very popular young man was seen but desir«d to say nothing about the affair. He was arrested this morning on a warrant charging him with assault with a deadly weapon, and was released on $1,000 bail. Mr. Paul Neumaun is his attorney. Woods doesn’t appear to be hurt ver\’ mueh. He went home after the alleged shooting in a tramcar but mentioned nothiug about the row. Today be was ahle to walk about apparently without suffering.