Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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Jadge Frear and wife bare gone on a visit to tbe VoIcano. The band will piay at tbe Hawaiian Hoiel tonigbt Tbe eoncert will begin at 7:30 p.m. The Advtrli8er -C. Anthony Doyle controvresey is engaged in, now, by Rats. Mr. Waipnilani and “Connr’ Bismark were listed as p issengers for Mam by tbe Hall. Tbe Australia Jeaves at noon, eharp, tomorrow for San Francisco. Captain Hubbard of tbe S. N. Castle, brought his ves.se! to port bere from San Francisco tbis last trip in a twelve day run. J Athletic exercises, between men of tbe Philadelpbia and tbe Champion, are billed for an early date. Professor C. Stoekle, the Pbonograph man left by the steamer Hall for Hawaii, tbis morning. Tbe steamer W. G. Hall left for windward ports tbis morning, and amongst other passengers took five for the VoIcano. Hon. E. D. Tenney u respected member of the busiucss eommunitv will leave by the Anstralia tomorrow for the Iand o ! strikes. Tbe trouble and turmoil in the United States has beld back many of the Australias intending passongers tbis trip. ‘‘I3ress de Lord!" strongtrades again, today, aud Iife in tbe tropical capital of tbe Paradise of the Pacific would be most pleasant but for the dust Tbe barkentine Planter. Capt. Dow is discharging Laysan islaud “sugar” for the Fertilizing Co. The vessel will return again to ihe Island about tbe end of this montb. L. J. Levey will sell the eutire housebold furniture of Mr. W. Maertens, at tho residence soutbeast cornor of Beretama and \ i e toria streets, on Tuesday noxt. A portion of the outcome of the Banning estate controversy is the resignation of the former trustee W. F. Allen. Mrs. Banning will probably be appointed to thotru8teeship. The “Paradise of the Pacific” for July was issuod today, and is in ample time for raailing by the steamer Australia. The paper, presswork and half tone cnts give added interest to this publieaiion. No new developments, in fact no developments at all, in the baseball “soll out. The manag* era of the Association should give a decision on ihe roatter or acknowledge that it waa a case of “great cry. little wool ” Judges Whiting and Cooper havo beenrecommissioned in their position as Cirouit Jndges. Henry Smith esq, the obliging chief clerk of theSupreme Court. kas also received his commission under tbo quasi-Republic. Mr. W. H. Aldrich is around again not looking any wc*rse for bis thirty days confine* ment iu Oahu Prison where he was sent for showing his eontempt of the Conrt. Billy aays, that bo was waiting every day to see tbe ’ Tiser mau joining him. but, altbough their eaaee were called on the saroe day.the press “contempter” never materialū»d. Iu tbese bard times many people hesitake going into honaekeeping. Theso are no reasons to b€«itate heeauae the I. X. L. houae, corner of Nuoanu and Kiug streeta ean furnish you with anything from an ice-che8t to a cradle at the cheapst figure. There is alwaya a large assortment on Uandand itdoesn’t cost anything to inspeot the .»tock-