Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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AnctionSale of Rioe. Plantatation at Waikikl-kai. ?n r*r»u*nc? iiwtnictioiis fro® 8L X of EtrV. UUmi of 0»bn- M. I. tbe B»ort«r« umn! in a Cbattte Mortgafe, rteca$ed by KIM TAL «Uted October 8*tb. 18«, mmI recorded m Uber 138. jw|ra 357-8, 1 *hall mO to the b«best btdden »t anelion, at mr 3nle» Room, Honolnla, on SATL KDAT tbe JStb d»r of Jalr. 18M. at 13 o’eloek noon, *^Tb?lSolfpta ntalion,' known aa tbe Cbeons Kim TaL {former!y tbe Tee Hop Co}, Planialion. at Waikīki-kaL Honolnla, inclndin* all lenae» of laml-> embraced lberein, on whieh are dweUing bon»r, ontbou*e<. tbr»hioc floor and eq jipment» of a weil rondncted rice ■ lanlauon; aUo aU the impiemenl* of cnitinlion, hom*. wagon. ete. A *cbedole of tbe ieae» a»d otber property coDoertwd m*T be «een at the offloe of 0. M . A*RroRD, Altorwf for tbe Xort(afee. Terma of Saie. Cv-b, Deed* at expen*e of (im ,b—r. L. J. Levey, Aucti<mtrr. ADni.MSTR4TOR , N XOTIC’L THE UNDERSIQNED haring been dnly appointed Administr«tor of Ihe Estate of PAHIA KALOI k. of Mokae. Han*. Mani. deceaaed, wonhi herevith gire notice tO all penona har»ng acconnts against tbe said estate to present them to him, properly sworn lo, withiu six months from date hneof, or they wiU be foreTer barred. And aU penona owing the said entate are reqneated to setUe forthwith. H. H. REUTER. Administrator of the £state o i Pahia Kaloi dece«sed. Hana, Maui, Jaly 7th, 1SM. jy9-im P0UND MASTER’S NOTlCE. Notice is hereby giren to all persous, that there ia at the OoTernment Ponnd at Makiki, one strayed red mare, bran<I india> cribable on the right hind leg, tail hare been shorten and feet are shod. Any penon or pereons owned this mare are rvjnested to eome and take the aime on or bcfora the Jay of sale. 12 o'eloek noon SATURDAY, JULY 21th, 18M. JAM£S KUKONA, Ponnd Mister. Makiki, Jaiy 9th. 1894. 1-w dly CfUTERION 3AL00N, Weiland • Extra • Pale LagEr Heep 2 Sehooners for 25 Cts. Jyl4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r T{{£ HlD-0(JEA|il POOL and BILLIABD PAKLOH8 H. JUEN Proprietor Hotel 8treet near Nunaau. Jj-6 \ NEiV the Haw’n Messeoger Semce L. M. Joh.\son, Manager Mutual Tel 599 Beli Tel 559 OFFICE in MA80NIC BLTLDING We are prepared to farnieh unlformed me scnger* at all houni. Promptneee and *ati fartion guaranteed. You Hng ua ut. and we will do the rest. Hourly ratos 40 cents. For distaoce rat> »ee Mesaengere Map. jv5 3m -Por Sale I Two fine bred Boars. ESSEX and CHESTER. Apply to SEABORN LUCE, On Merchant Street. jy 5th. palnliai) Uotel and Betbel 8t» Wlk(ldfer2V«b jy I» J. A: VICTOR. Prop r. W*as Sl*« Ck««, NO. 330 NUL'ANU STREITT. HONOLULU Xailor A fine aa8ortment of Anaerican, £nglish and Scotch Ci »th» on hand e>d work and a FLRST CLASS fit guaranteed Clutheaea»eclda Jt repeired jy7iou Tal Wo Wing Kee Co. 3» \CUANU 8TRUCT Deder»in L*diea’ k Gent«’ Boot8 aod Sho«8 mad« to order. rOKz««?