Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 168, 20 Iulai 1894 — The Paradise of the Pacific. [ARTICLE]
The Paradise of the Pacific.
The July nuo»ber of the in|irestrng period eal, The Paradi.r of the Pacijic, is out and it has lren gotten np in the osaal pett?ct style. It contains a nnmba of highly interesting original «rticles, beautifuHy illnstrated >endes a c!ever extract of Sir Cd win Arnold's reminiscense$ of HawaiL A lot of general in&nnation in regard to Hawaii cat be derivod by pnrsaiug the it?ne. Frank L. Hoogs is khe editoi and J. F. Clay is man«ger. Foisale at book stores. Send copies alruad by tomorrow’s staamer.