Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 167, 19 Iulai 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

I _ Anction Sale of Rlce Plantatation at Waikiki-kai. In pcrsoMC« of i »tractloo* fK>m Sl'X of E»V oi Oaho. U. L. tbe 3smed ta « C*an> ¥f>rtpt*, cscoatedDT CHEONG KIM TAI. dsted OctoVr -Mth. 1 aad revorded in Llber 139. p«ge» 257-8. ; I »hall «elt to the bWrfae«t fatdileo »t »actk>n, »t mt 5*Ie« Room. Hnnoiolo. oo SaTCRDAT tbe 25th d»r of July. 139*. 11 -3 o’eioek ooon, the foUowlo* propertr. rtr The R»ce PUoUiion. koon; w the (heoug Klm T»L (fonaerly the T«e Hop Co’. R*at*- ; tio«, at waikikMou. Hooolaiu. tociadior «U . (e»aes of !»aJA emfaraced thcreio. oo «hieh »re d»eihajt hooao. oathooaes, tfare*hin« 1 Aooe »od of a «ell cooduoted rice ; pi*ot»no3. «Uo»U Ihe impiemenu of cult! ' r»tion. b<v«e», «aguo. etc, A schedole of the le»«ca »nd other propcrtT conoeroed m»T be »een »t the otBce of C M' AaaeoKP. Attornej for tbe Jlorti»cw Term* o< 5*le. Ca*h. Deed* «t expeo»e of parch»»er I*. «T. Levey, Amctitmeer. .4 D J1 1 XI8T R 4TU R*S -\<*TICF„ THE rXDERSIG\ED h»ring been dulr »ppoīnt«*l Adiotnutrstor of tb« Fj.t-.te t>( 1’ 'HIA KALOI k. of Hokiie. Hin», Maoi. j dece«setl, «unlil hrrevith gire ouiiee to »11 j per»oa« h»eiag aoe .nnts «g>unst Ihe M»d esute to ptvsent them to him. properly sworn to, «ithiu »ix moolh» from d*te beivof. or ther wiU be foperer b»rr»d. And j »11 persons o«ing the *»id est»i« «re reqoe8tcd to *ettle f. rthwith. M. H. RECTER, i Adtnīoistntor o( the E«tate of P«hi» : Kaioi (lecriised. HaUA, ilaui, Jalv 7th, 1S!H. jy9-lta POI NI) MASTER*S not.ce. Notice is herebr giren to »11 persous. thst there Ls at the Oorentment Ponnd »t Makiki. one strsyed red mare, br»nd iodiscrib«ble on the right hin.i leg, Uil hare bwa shorten aod feet *re shod. Any person or persous ovned this i msre sre r>qnested to oome «nd take the s>me nn or faefore the day of sale, 12 o’eloek | noon S\TL’RDAY, JULY 2lth. 1894. JAMES KL’KONA. Poond M ister. M.ikiki, Jaly 9th. 1894. 1-w dty CRITERION SALOON, Weiland*Extra»Pale Lager Beer 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. iy!4 L. H. DEE. Prop’r T(lE MlD-ū3EAfl POOL and 5ILLIAH0 lPA.HJL01iS H. JLEX Proprietor Hotel Street nc»r Naoano. jy« \ N£W DEpA((TUi(E tbe daw’n Messeoger Service L. M. Johnsox, Manager Mato»l Tel 599 Bell Tel 559 OFFICE in MASONIC BUILDING We »r< prepared to fumisb aniformed me* sengers al »11 hon-s. Promptocss and Mti»f:»ction eoar»ote«d. Yo« Hog n» op »nd «e «ill do the re*t H»uriy r»tes 40 cent». For di»Unce r»te, »ee Mea*eogers M»p. jj5 3 m For Sale! Two fine bred Bo*rs. ES8EX and CHESTER. App!y to SEAJB0RN LUCE. Oo Merchant Street jy 5tft. paVilioq Hotel »nd Bethel SU Wlll be 0«Sfd for 2 iVeets jy» J. A VICT0K, Prop’r. Wlagf Si%s Na 330 NUUANL’ STS£ET, HONOLULL’ 3*Cexc3aa*zrt Toiloi A 6ne .-i#ortTi»rt ..f Amenean. Engiieh and Se -leh Cl >the on h-nd g*> d «r>>rk >nd a F1RST CL.A8S fii gj>nteed Cl--th 9f--ecd iA: rv;»t red jy7lm Tai Wo Wing Kee Co, » nuuanu &xmsrr ]>9ilen in L*d>€s’ £ tient« Booti •nd ShM» iumU lo