Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 167, 19 July 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]

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The Advertiser who catches a persons eyo asually wics a cnstomer. Maoy dif!erent styles of advertising have been adopted and with more or less soccess, by I the believers in tbe use of printers ink. The mannfactnrer9 of I Pears Boap. for instance. occasion 1 aliy bny paintings that have heēu on exhibition in the Pari's Salon and have !ithograpbs made from them for tbe pnrpose «>f bnnging tbeir prod «ct befnre tue people. In addition to such side rssues, PeaTspeuds haudreds tbousnQds of dolIars annually among the newspapers and magrtZines. Some years ago the .Sgents of cerfctin article on sale in New York made a hit in advertising by having on Broadway during bus iness nours two fatluessly dressed Negroes wearingveiy high collars, ! on the b>icks of whieh was prru- i ted “Use Stniths Piils.” The : ide.t was novel und the pnhlie > caught on. Bising Sun Stove Polish has beeu kept before the | puhlie f«>r ye>«rs through persis- 1 teot, and sometimes expensive advertising. Twenty otld years ago the manufacturers of this polish started faalf a dozen men ! acrossthe orni»neut fc") paiut .sjgns on rocks and fences. The Aerraotor Co., of Chicago bave increased its sules raore than five hundred per cent iu two years hv the use of printers ink. We beheve we have boen instrumen- j tal iu increasing the s«les of the Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly at it in Haw.iii. We do not wish to say that advertisiug will sell uuy manuiuetured article; thero is no use spending mouey in advertising “eheap and nasty” goods becanse the people will not be hoodwmked. If Havil,«nd Ohina was not the superior «rticle it is. all our «dvertising of it would not have sold the thonsands of pieces that we bave. We simply eall the attention of the people to it 1 >«nd its superior quality is apparent to the customer directly a pieee of it is examined. Printers ink bas helped the sale of the James Locked Fence but <t would not have dones so if «t bad heen as flimsy as the or din«}' wire fence. First; the economy there is in building it recommends it to the plantution man.«ger aud then its durability clinches tfae the sale If the stays and wasb- , erscost as mneh as an ordin«ry redwood post our sales of tbe I >n»terial wonld not huve reached . such enormous proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy 1 Iron Stove is about two a day the year round. if was not the best iron stove on the raarket we would not sell tbat many m six «nonths. Advertis«ng is the tip t > the pubi:c the good points in | thearticie sells it ja-t as Uie good I quaiities of the Fiscber Steo: Bange make it a desirable articie f>*r people who wish toeconomise in tbe ose of fuel. We buy on!y what has proven good after people in the United States or £ur<*pe have given it a trial; we profit by tneir experince if the articles are goood we buy and sell them; if tbey are poor we st«er c!e«r of them. When we advertise an artioie it is to at- j tract atteotioa to it; the ne«s- ; paper ; h tbe button «e posb. tbe ; salesman does the resfc j Persistent advertising conpled «ith the *rt:cle beiog a supenor one has s«*id tbuos*nds of the Frao< Walcot £mory Fiie. If it had been oo better tnan ao or * dinarv scytta stone <re probably I «f>al4 not hare sald iwenty. | When a m*o finds out that his ' table kn«ves may l>e keptsb rp at : all timea at an expanse of fiftv ■ oeots *nd a rery liUle elbo» gro>tse be is qaite willing to try tbe expenmenfc TS'SinuHiNviR Ct . *>7 Fun 8tra«l