Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 167, 19 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Pr*f Stoekle the Phonograph j who latelv returned frono an • | ext**nd-d tour on Hawaii will 8<x»n g«in le«ve town f*r an>>(her bnsioee» trip. Paek <*f r iin in 8omcor, I ,th** Hawai» d : stricts reduces labj>) - and h« a ci>ns*-que:ices bariuess in all lines is duil. { — Oyster cockta ls in th? raanner >g served by Win. Cunningham at the Anchor, are a mogt refrt-shing *nd invigorating t*nic that even wotild tick)e the palate r f that : mural a?c-tic (with the aeeenl on t*ie a«?) in Printer's Lane. At tbe raeetiiig >>{ tbe B >ard of Underwriters, the f<dlowing men bers were elecled es officers for the ensaing term; President F. a.. Soha»fer; Yice-President J- H Ptv; SecerUry and Treasory C. 6. Berger. The “Haro and Hoands'* chase wii) start at 7 this evening fri-m Mclbtyre’s coroer. Prinee Capid aud James Spencer will be tke haiea. Tbe b *undaries are ea-. okwed between PonehUowI aad the harb*>r, King street bridge 1 and Waikiki road. The bares «speet to retoro to tbeir bar-| row, aacapiored, by 8dX)oelook. ‘ • " * <r '~ , 1 1~)| oS8SsrKESH3BI