Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 167, 19 Iulai 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

F. GERTZ. )1A8 RE-OPENKD HIS Boot & Shoe Store, Opposite the Club SUble on Fort Street. ami wiil be glad to see his old fnemla. may7-tf. M UTA*L T »L. j66. P. O. Box 15*. WING WO TAI £ 00., No. »5 Hsv anw Stbkkt, Ho*oluic. H. I., Commision Merchanfs, —ĪMPOKna* A5D DCALZU 15— 6eneral Mcrehandi«e. Fine ManiU Clmr», Chioese and J»pMe»e Crockerrw«re. M»Uinf., V»»es ot »11 klnd». Camphorwood Tranks, B»tt»n Ch»lrs. A Fine .V»sortment of Drr«s 8ilk«. Chal««Bt Br»ods of ChiD«se »nd J»p»nMe Tewof L*test lmport»tion« IntpeetioH of Kev Goodt rf*perlfully toiiUd. joly6. LOST. TEKBIER B1TCH, to tbe name of Patch.” A reward wil] be paid for ber recovery nt tbe Anchor Saloon, coroer of Nnnaoa and King streets. A FOX answering Chas.T. ōuliek NOTARY PUBLIC • For the Ialand of Oaho, Agent to Take Acknowledgments to Labor Contracto. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieen808, Honolnln, Oahn. Agent for ibe Haw’n Iaiands of Pttt * 8corr s Freight and P«rcels £xpreso. Agent for the 6oHington Hoate M i Bnto afSamllr^ Bell Tel. 348; Mnl ToL 139; P. O. Box 415. OFFlCE: No. 38 M£BCHANT Stawt Hoaolnln. H. I,