Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 167, 19 Iulai 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
The - Honolnlu - SOAP I MODERN TIMES “S-lOl-A-iP” Seventeen Bars of the Very Best Q,uality of SOAP for $1.25, “ Honesf Weigbt ” SOFT SOAP, 5n Tins of Forty-two Ponnds. 11.25., Triple Presscd Stearic Wax Mining Candles, Man»ifacture<l by the Emery Candle Company of Cincinnati, at Fifteen C«nts Per Poond. In Sacks of One līundred Pounds. at Fifty Cents per Sack. Table Salt Given Away. 110 per Cord, Delivered to any House in this City FREE OP CH.\BGE. 2 Q f iarl Hottlee One l)ollar Per I)ozen; Hnt BottIes Fifty Cents Per Dozen. Mutual Telephone 314. NICOL 4.8 R R AM. Bethel Street, Honolulu, H. I.
MACFAKLASE & CO. Dealers in Wines and Spiriis Kaahumanu Street, Hoaolalu. J. PHILL1P8, PRACTICAL PLCMBER, GAS.FITTEB ;OPPEH-9MITH, House aod Ship Job Work Promptly ExecuteA. No. 71 King Street, Honolula. Dr. ATCHERLEY, M. K. C. S. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) HAS KEMOVED TO OFFICE FORMERLY occav»ied by Dr. Foote, CoaxEB of Puxchbowi, asd Beketania Strekts. Mut. 234, Bell 841. jn29 Im FOR 8ALE. HOCSE a.vo LOT AT IWILEI, Hokoutw. £nqnire on the premiser., or ol JOE dk SASTOS. ju29 Iw Aboard W. G. Uall. NOTICE. All persons are hrreby prohibited from trespAsaiug or taking any thing from the Und of the nndersigned, aitnated at Muolen, Haua, Island of Maui. MAUE MAUHALOA. Kalihiuka, Oahu, June 28, 189*. ju2S Im WM. DAVIES, Stevedorc> AND recker. ESTI3(ATES AND COETBACT8 OH ALL JU>~D8 OF WOEK. Inquire at Office of J. 8. Watker. ov-r 8preckela’ Bauk, or WrightBros» F«>rt StreeL| dee HU* A. S. MEDEIROS ± CO., Merchaut Tailors. Aoieiiean, Scotcb Tmd»oolMmd. Ftn*-dām jf 17-iaa».