Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 167, 19 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Firo. Ufe d HSarine INSURANCE. HARTFORD FIRE IXSURAXCE C0.. Asset3, $ 7,109,825.49 LONTK)X LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO', Aasets. $ 4.317.052.00 THAMES MERSEY MARIXE IXS. CO, Assets, 3 6,124,057.00 XEW YORK LIFE IXSURANCE CO., Assets, $137,499.198,99 C. O. BERGEH, General Agent f <r the Hawaiinn U>B"ds. ll«>n<>iala E. 8{ Be \Q IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Grroceries, 3r*rovisions AMD Feed, EAST CORNER F0RT «fc KfNG,ST8. New 6oods Rec’d By every Packet frora the Eastern States and Eorope. Fresh Califomm Prodnce by even steumer. All orders faithfully attended b», and Go< ds delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. Island Ortlers S<'>licitetl. Sat sUctiou Gaar«nteed. Post Office Bov N-<. Te!e< hone N ■. 9i

plalional lron Woi>^ QC£iLN Street, Between Alakea <t Richard Sts THE UNDEKSIQNED are pr«p*red to make nU kinda of Iron 6rass, Broaze. Zinc, Tin and ne*d Casting», Alao General Bep*ir 8hop for Ste*m Engine«. Bice Milla, Corn Milla, W«ter Wheela, Wind Milla, etc. Maehinee ior the Geaning of Coffce, Castor Oila, Beans, Kamie, Sisal, Pineapple LeaTes & other Fibron» PlanU, And Paper Stock Alio Machines for £xtractīng SUrch fion* the Manioe, Anuw Root, etc. A)1 Orders prompUy attended to. t WHITE, RITMAN « CO. HoYen^8e^do. Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, GUsswara, <%c. •• • • • WATEH PIPE8 LAiD ASD PLUMBIN(i SEATLT EXECUTED So 41 Nnnann 8t, between King aod Hotel Aseu Bnilding _ Jy6 2m Kwong Sins: Loy Merchant Tallor, Dry Goods , Men and Ladies's Shoes. So. 407 Klng Street, ne*r “Holomoa.” 5 YEE CHAX, DEAI EB IV S|en’0 Fii}e ({ood? Fine T»i!oring Fine Chinese and Jvpao«ee HHndkerchi«b Nos 31to33 N'iuanu SL H<n<v ( lulu. P.O. Box 253. jy5 ■——■■ ■ !■——————» W.S. LUCE :■ '- ; ' - - v ‘ \> > Wine and St>irit Merchant Ommpheū Fim-proof BUxk,

Empire SaIoon, JAU£S OLDS, PRorRirroK: pine Wiiies, Liqucrs. Beer ALWAS ON HAKD, Cornor Xna*nu aad Hotel Streets. Bell lelephone 241. Po«t Offic« Boz'107 Cifysā Meat Market Oppo. Qaeen Emma Hall, £stablisbed 1883. J0S. TINKER, ||j * MaJcer of the Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tbt Them. Meat Delivered to Any P»rt of Uie City and 8abarbs. Mutnal Telepbone Nninber 289. THE COMMERCUL 3ALOON, Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Naaann «& EeMmia ata. Houolala, H I. Tbe Only Sp> rt ng Hoaae in Town. O. P. S. a Sp©cialitv. LOHEXGBIN LA6KB tBEEB, Alvays on Dr-<agbt 2 GLA8SES FOR 23 CENTSBest of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars t ALWAYS ON HAND. «>» -' *Me..