Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 167, 19 Iulai 1894 — Closing Exercises. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Closing Exercises.

A verv good pmgr.imma was by the popiU of St. Anurew's Prk)ry last evan og tu j a Iarge aa.l iaterested »adtc*nce. ihe rooms were beaa«ifuiU’ dac{orate<! «ith Auwem aad bantiog, i aml crowded to tbe otmost, aud everybodv pret>«Qt enjuyed tbe | exhi'b«t'<>n of tbe well ed<icitted | aod well beh.ired |ittle giris, wbo now bare denenred Uteir v«eaUoo.

' |p~Tke llepaklie of H«woll ia to b'.ince that the pn'ee of SOAP dropp*d i«« per c«nu *nH l im thez«tor« otnp«ll«l to 9ell one c»s-*. 100«t»oands. of the verr b«9t qo*!itj of So«p— HONE?T WE1ŌHT — ; tbr 14.50, *nd yoo wi’l now 1~ B»rs in?le«d of 15 f>r 11.35; bat it did not «dTect the pric« of Sofl S>ap. If you nml anythiog io tbis line p!eise ring ui> Mutu«! T«!ephone 3H. and th« 3oft 3oap Man will do the rest. tf

The Councils met this 9tternoi.>n fnr a ebort time and adjourned dūer the trans lelion of but Iittle important bu9iness. Tho S. N. Castle, Hnhhanl cnaster, arrived in port hero, from San Francisco, this morning. She hriugs no Iatter news.