Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 167, 19 July 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]

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[Wedo ao* ho!d oar«ei»c5 rwpon«ble for Ih- opinions or the nttemnevs of em correspondents.) Editoe HoLOMU» Sometime ago » - ou answered my letter from tbe conntry districts,by telling me to ecquire of the myoah birds. I have done so and fouud out that ali my suspicions were correct, and I have fonud out other things too : tbat are very drsple »s5ng to ns Hawaiians of tbe rural parts. "We have but little res for . Araerican d»plomacy as ptactised in Hawaii, and have still less \ respect or faith in Amenean honor or justico. Young Hawaii will nevtr give its assent to anuexation after the infamy that has l»ecn perpetrated and eondoned—still less so in the' ligfat of aueieni history whieh proves that the braggart American Kepnblic is »» wretched fuilnre in its every principle. Whenitbeeame evident that America’s injnsticei to H:iwaiiwas not to be rectified, and that a Hawaiian Rapublic was iuevitable, a great raajoritv of us voung fellows hael about •> O decided to eall it Ki*mei aud- | graeefully snbrait. Bnt the thing ! that has been fiually promulgatI ed is not an honest republic, but an unpriocipled aiul dishonorable oligurcby. No man with any ! pride or pi ineiple cou!d ever take i the outh to support this raedieval 1 usurpution or to respect its bene- ; ficiaries. Hid thnse in fuvor given us a straight republic, I believe tliat many royulists wou!d have given it their all(giance. But the new constitutions breathes in every feature of the mad eoneeil of Sunford Ballurd Dole to install himself as a “Ieader of men” wUhonl a resort to the popnlar voice that would be futal to him, and his associutes who now form a self-elected jnnta who will be the UQcontrolled dictators of the country for two years. It is not a republic, it is not evon a respectable oligurchy: They are ! simply the creutures of a fool Minister of tho Uuitod States. If this is whut their fpiends oall a *iabU government it must be a j »ckass stable. Why, the mynah birds tell me that m Honolulu tbe elements of revolt are already in the air. The People’s Party (lately all loyal P. G.’s) are orgmizing strongly for a hostile opposition to the new government. Their menaces foreshadow speeches of revolntion that will make Huwuii hke Soqth : America the bot bedof ambitious dictators, presidents and revolutionists. lt is pretty certuin also that the m»j<>rity of natiyes wiil never give their a)legiance to the so-called republic. Tbe}- will 1 prefer to remaiu disfmnchised, a ualion without a home. We bave alre <dy sent a request to Hoeolulu to uscertaia, if Hawaiians may register in the bntish Consulate for protection. lf so, the nutive here wil) prob«bly do so in masse. Deprived of tbeir own nationulity. hating America for ber misdeed to«rards ua, it is bqt natur<»l tfiat we abould to £.jgland for personal protectioa M»oy of ns have i Amei’leun fatbers, bnt we have 1 decided to forswear all loyalty to : thut coantry, eud for Ihe present \at least lo decline aliegiance to | ihe liawaūao ot«garchy. The HoLOXUA has however &trnok a rusoundiag key note io ) ika alog«n “figbt or vote.” That | has impceaaed m »«y aooh.