Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 167, 19 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES [ARTICLE]

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Tbe barkentine Amelia, Capt. Ward, aailed yestertL»y in ballast for Eaieka, California, where she will 5oad luuiber Tbe wnter famine has been temporarilv raised, as reports from Nnuana avenne residents prove a “genteel snfficiency” during last nigbt and tod;»y. J. J. Williama tl»e popular photographer, is now convalescing from a severe attack of “la grippe. - ’ One of the officers of the Peo- j ple’s Party has already applied for an inside position in the Insane Asy!nm. Tbe Honolulu Cricket clab will give a dinner this evening ut the j Arliugton Hotel to thoir Cha n- j pion oppouonts, and friends. The bknt« IrmgarJ is uow about due frora San Fraucisco as is also the S. N. Castie aud bark Ilithet The C. ifc A. S. S. Warrimoo will be due here on noxt Tuesday from Vuncoaver B C. witfa news i dates to Jalr 17th. • i The exhibitiou exercises eonnected with the closing of lolani Collego. for the term. are taking | plaee m the hall and the College i grouuJs, th s afternoon. — The. reported '‘sell” by pit , cher Wood of the late game of | base-ball betweeu the Kum’s aud the Crescents,begius to look very iuuch like a maie’a nest. Noth ing has yet been proven. G. Walter Washington the sparrer and Mrs. ina Kiug tLe pick-axe performer, sailed away together yesterday on the burk Amelia. bound for F Cul. The insurauce rates on tbe life of Depnty Marsbal Brown have been redaced. (jnite a number of trees of the Poneiania Regia will ba planted about tbe groands of tho now Suih»r’s Homeou the Eiplanade, When they bloom the anfiaished New M»rket will be a dismal background. lt is ramored that tbe palatial residenca of C. R Bishop on Emma atreet, the lofty bailding surmoanted by a crowu. opposite Emma sqa*»re, is to be parcbused for nse as a ioeal “W hite Houee by the President. The_ “Brotberbood of Mun” notice kept dispenser-in obief Harry Md!er. with full bands. lust evening. Tbe »ervioes eontinue dnring the week. “Praise Dodd, from whose faacets th«? Euterprise flows,” is becoming a popalar refrain amongst visiting bretbera. The Inter~lslsod S. S. Co. iotend to add «nuther steamer to their fleet and one of tbe officers o{ the Company will probeb»y sooo proceed tō the Coest to j bring the vessel h»tber. Tbe iuf nt deagbter of Capt and Mra. Gar aad w*s christened j on the missiouary barkentine Mir»qng Slar y«sterduy afternoon. jnst prior to the sailing of the vessel on her long soatiieru craise The UttJe one was named ‘ 1 Dorotby Lakeman,” Bev. H. Eiogbam p»ī»w«ing the aimpiel