Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 July 1894 — A Challenge. [ARTICLE]

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A Challenge.

It is reported that a cbaIIeoge has been issaed Nevada to tbe owoer of Johnny Hay*ard, for a trotting n»ce. The proposition is to match tbe two trotters in a race 3 beet oat of 5.1 milea dasbes or 3 best oat of 5 in 2 mile dasbes or one 5 miles dasb Tbe cb«ilenge wili probably be accepted by Jobuny Hayvard’s o«oer Mr. CornveU vbo at present is oot of towa. Wby not get np a m tch bet«een Bort Lee aod Frad Hae. at tbe same timel lan'l Dīehey game?