Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 July 1894 — Not Too Fast. [ARTICLE]

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Not Too Fast.

The Adverti*er not content with « system of alleged government whieh subjogates the native Hawaiian to the gr**etly anddespotic whines of the existiug eomhination between Christ «ud Satan, as represented by the holy missionaries on the oue hund. and ■ tbe scum of humanity who kave ; lutely drifted ushore npon this beach, on the other, is now 1 exerting its little inAuenee to induce the pas&ige by tbe present | , self-appointed ‘ Congress” of this alleged republic. of a law to de privo the Hawaiian of the Siife guards embodied in the present jary systera. The Adverti(<er, iu eommon with ♦he sages who are conducting the alleged governraent of Hawaii at the preser.t time, seems to have ! heeome crazed with the idea that the highest aim of governraent is to get tbe greatest possible nmnber of citizens into prison, «nd to keep them there. The entire course of alleged ‘ legislation’’ pursaed by the late de mented p. g , the spirit of tbat literary «bortion labelled a“coustdution,” whieh Mr. Dole and ; his pals submitted for the approvnl and adoption of the lute alleged | the text of thut > precious documeut, as passed by the intellectuul giants who “sat upon” it,’aud, finally, the disp.)sition manifested by the existing “Congress” of politic.il prodigies, all to tbe one governmental arabition, namely, to railroad those who differ from them in opiuion into jail, by the shortest and most expeditious ronte. What, though the.se precious preteuders to repubiicun ideas trample upon all re-publican precedent, and ignore the first, as well as the last, and all intermediate elements of republicau Iiberty in tbe process of jailing their opponents? Is it not meet that any one base euough to oppose or criticise the corabiued force» of Heaven and Hell, (represented as aforesaid), shall be to suffer for such contumacy? What more importaut to tbe people, (and of course the little squad of bo!y missionanes are “the people, ’) than the safety of tbe “precious neeka” of the little gang who are now carrying things witb so bigh a hand? And how ean they better preserve the i “precious necks” aforesaid, than to provide a summary process for jailiug their critics. as soon as tho Iatter sball be Iocated? _ To «pply the foregoing doctrine to tbe case, in band, it would seem that the p«rtisans of : the alieged government and its organs are serionsly considering i the desirability of so “fixing” the juries, by au alleged “law,” as to make it a dead sure thing { wbenever a Hawaiian is accused j of an offense, they will merelv bave to“go throngh the motions” of a trial, to secure his conviction by a jury of snbservient and bigotted aliens. Is it possible j that tbe loud—montbed professors I of persoual aud political piety I who at present infest tbe government eamp are thus ready to pr»atitute the forms of law to the | oonsamation of ao uatmge upon the native people, in e -mpanaon wilh whieh all their preceding outruges pale ioio ins<gu ficaoce? We have alvaya thought bot meaoly of tbe practices and g>tod f»»th. as oompared «ith the pro- , f«eaionB of Ihe missron«ry g«cg, bot are oot yot raady to thiak

thetu capab!e so gross an ont»ge as tbat propoeeJ by the Adcerti*er. The Hawaiian worm may tnrn and sting Xot too fui