Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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F. GERTZ. HAS RE-OPENED HI8 Boot & Shoe Store, Opp«sit« the Clt»b St«ble on Fort Street. and will be glad to see his old fnends. may7-tf. Mutval Tkl. j66. P. O. Box ij*. WING WO TAI & CO., No. »j Kimim St«kst, HoNoim, H. I., Commision Merchants. — lMPORTEiLS AND DCALSBA IX— General Merchandise. Flne ManiU CUr»r*, Chinese aml Jap*nese CrockerTw*re, MiUinp*. Vot *11 kiml». C*mpborwood Tmnk«, RaMid Ch*lrs. A Fine AM4Ktn>ent of Drm SUkt, Cboieest Br*od* of Chine*c lcd Japue*e Tems of L»U»t lmportstlon* o/ Kne Ooodt r'tpe*tfuUy toliUd. julj«. LOST. A FOX TEKRIER B1TCH, answering to tbe name of ‘Patch.’ A reward wil! be paid for ber recorery at the Ancbor SaIoon, corner of Nuuanu and King streets. Chas. T. Ouliek notary public For the Island of Oaho. Agent to Take Acknowledgmenta to Labor Contraota. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses. Honolnln, Oahn. Agent for tbe Haw’n Xslaods of Prrr A Soorr s Freight and Parcels £xprees. Agent for ihe Borlington Ronte Bai EHite Bnier aoeaenl Bell Tel. 348; MnL TeL 139; P. O. Bwx 415. OFFlCE: No. 88 MERCHANT Sireet Honolnln H. 1