Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 Iulai 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOLOMU^, 18 PUBLISHED Everv Aftemoon EXCEPT 8CNDAY BI THE Eolomaa Publishiag Co. At King SL (Tbotnas block). Honolala, H. 1. SU3SC2I?rrON, per l!onth, 50 Cts. The p*p«T is deliwred by Cameni in the town aua «ubnrbs. SitigU Oopiee fjr 8*le it toe News Dealen »oJ at the Office of pablication. EDMUND N0RRIĒ. - - Editor GēORGE E. SUITHIĒS • Manager All Bnsinean CommuWcatiouā shonld be addresae<l to CMorge E Smithies HonoInlu, H. I. Oomnponnenoe an.l Commnmcation» tor pnhlioaiion sbould be Hddressed to the Editor Hawaii Holomna. No notioe will be paid to auy anonymons oommnnioalioua. Business Cards A. P. PETERSON, ATTOESEY AT LAW. Offioe: 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honolnln Hawaiian Islauds. CHARLES CREIGHTON, ATTORNEY AT L.\W. Offloe: 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honolnln UHWaiian Islands, PAUL NEUMANN, attorney at law. 314 Merch*nt Street. Honolulu, Mutaal Telepbone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, attobnet and oocnsellob AT LAW. Offloe. Ohl Capitol Bnilding, (Honolnlu Hale), adjoining Po«t Offlc«, Honolnlu. JOHN lota kaulukou, attobney at law, Office, c«mxer King & Bethel Ste. A. ROSA, attobney at law, No. 15 Kaahumanu Si, Honolulo, Hawaiian Islauds. M. H, LOHEIDE, sign and obnamkntal PAimnE*. [Hawaiiau Hardware Co-3 All orders promptly attended to. H. F. BERTELMANN. oontbactob and buildeb,' 86 King St. Bell Telephone 107. LEWIS J. LEV£Y. Real Estate and Oeneral Auctioneer. and Qoeco Stnrta, HoaohOa Penonal g’ven k> 8alea j ol Fornitnre, Bwl Eatnto. Stoek and Oenenl Merob«ndiae.