Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 July 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Ftre, Ufe A Marinc INSURANCE. HARTFORD FiRE INSURAXCE C0., Assets, $ 7.109,825.49 LOXDOX LAXCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO., Assets. $ 4.317,052.00 THAMES MERSEY MARIXE IXS. CO.. Asaets, $ 6,124,057.00 XEW YORK LIFE IXSURAXCE CO., Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, G«oeral Agent t»r the Hnwmun Uimids. Lionnlulo K|. E e MelHnA 6 4 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Grroceries, ;Provisions A>D Peeei, EAST CORNER FORT & KING.STS. New Goods Rec'd By every Packet frora the £astero States aod Europe. Fresh California Produce by every stearoer. All orders faithfuily attended b>, and Oo< ds delivered lo any part of the city FREE OF CHAROE. Island Orders Solicited. Satsfactiou Guaranteed. Post Office Hox N*>. 145. T«l«i hon« N . 92.

llaliional Ipon Won^ Qū£EN* Street, Between Alakea & Kiehanl Sts THE UNDERSIGNED are prepared to make all kinds of Iron Brass, Broaze, Zine, Tin and Lead Caatmgw. Alao General Repair Shop (or Steam Enginea, Rice UiUa, Corn MiUe, Water Wbeels, Wind MiUe, etc. Maehinee lor the Cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oila, Beans, Ramie, Sisa), Pineapple Learee & other Fibrons Plant», And Faper Stock Alao Maehinea for Extracting Starch fro» the Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. AU Orders promptly attended to. \VHITE, RITMAN CO. Ho Yen 2^CJo. Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, GlAsswara, $c. water pipes laid and plumbing SEATLT EXECL'TED No 41 Nnoann St. between Kingand Hotel Aaen BnUding jyC 2ra KwongSine Loy Merchant Tallor, Dry Goods, Men and Ladies’s SJlO€S. No. 407 King Street, near "Holomoa.” jnly5 CHAN, DEAI.ER IX H|en’0 Fiqe Qoodji Fine Tailoring Fine Chinese and Japanese Handkerchiefs Nos. 31 to 33 Niiuaon St. H >no- ( lulu, P.O. B-»x 253. jy5 W. S. LUCE Wine and Spirit Merchant CimpUU Fire~proof BUxk, MKDGHANT8T.. HOKOLULU.

Empire Saloon, JAM£t> OLDS, Proprietob: Fine Wines, Liqnors. Beer ALWAS ON HAND, Corner Nuaano »nd Hotel Streeta. Bell lelephone 241. Post Office Box* 107 CitysālVieat Market Oppo, Queen Emma Hall, Establisbed 1883. J0S. TINKER, P^ ,L T Maker of the Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Tby Then. Meat Dclivered to Anv Part of tLe City and Saburbs. Mutoal Telephone Nmnber 289. THE COMMERCiAL SALOON, Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nuuami & Ben*tmia sta. Hooolala, H. I. Tbe Only Spr>rttng Uoose in Town. O. E, S. a Specialitv. LOHENOEIN LAGEB »BEEB, Always on Dr>ngbt 2 GL.\SSES FOB 25 CENTS. Best of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars, ALWAYS on uand. iulU