Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 Iulai 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
n K KTI XOTi ( E. AI.L RESIDEST MEMBERS 0F THE nnivrrs.il orirr<j{ lis. .therhooi> of Man are teqneslrd to attrnd the coatinnoas wmm heid dnriog U-e wrrk nt the I’ANTHE IX. Cool iu»igor»ting dranghts o{ Eaterpns« Deer disj>rusetl to thirsty pi'griin3 at Z«rri tor oue quart«r. Harry M:ller Dispracer in Chie{. L!ESU>G KEE, 49 KING STREET. TINSMITH, asd DEAI-ER IX OLA88ware, Cruckery, Ooal-Oil Stov«s, W*ter Pots—Plumbtng iu All Its Braucbrs Fsith{ully Eircuted, JvlS-ly “ITOIIA>,” |MPOR FER ani) DEALER IX GEXERAL I Merchandisr, ExclnsiTely o( Japanose Mauu(actnre—WhOLESALE «St RETAIL. 204 and 2i>j Fort Stieet, P. 0. Bosll6 Mutual Tele. 392. jyl8 • I AT TH£ Oceamca|opERA hodse 0X Saturday Eve, July 28. §i‘eiinifii,aHistorkalDi k dia 0F THRILLIXG IXTEREST. Portray ; ng the £veutR connectod with the Discorery of tbese I»Un is by Capt. James Cook, B.X., and the D«ath of the Intrepid Navigator, compiled from P.eliaUe and Original Anthonties by D. M. Crowlry, Anthor of the Wooing q( Kaala. 8pec al 8cenerj' Costnmee and Effects. OCEAXICA will be Prrformrd by a Company o( Well Trained (Hawaiian and Foreign) Ladies nnd Gentle:nen Amateurs, Box plan now open at L. J. Levey‘s. REMEMBER, SATURDAY, JULY 3Sro. jy!8 TO L£T or LE.4NE. Abonsr on King Street next to T. B. Walker’s premise con.aining parior, dining room and three bedrooma, besides kitchvn bathroom st .b!es and all mode.'U ©onrenienoes. Bent mo*lerate K> mpunaihle party. | Address ABRAHAM FERXANDEZ. XOTl€C. Fbom this datk. b. f. hofp\cker U alone authorized to dr«w draft or to j give ordrri for merchandise or *i).pii«s on behalf of the Hawaiian Commercial and S.>gmr Cotiipany. THE HAWĀilAN COMMEBCIAL AXD SUGAR OOMPAXY C. A. Smrms, Oeoenal Maoager. Jyl7-2w PANĪHEOH SAL00N, FOKT AXD HOTEL STS. Beai9sarten aterjrise Erewai Ca. TB* Larg st Con8’gnment of Beer tu«t ever »rr ved here, now on Dr*ught jyU j- 0000.