Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 Iulai 1894 — HAWAII’S "BLUE" LAWS [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


;C0NSTITliT10N and LAWS Framed bv the Mis$ionaries. * i l j LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 1 ‘‘it is illegal for one man to bave two wires. “It is illegal or one woman to bave two basbanda. “A man cannot cast o(This wife at his ple«sare. “A woman cannot cast otf her hosband at ber pieasare. | “Jf a man and woman are agreed to live together as man and wife. aml there is nothing in the way to rendor it illegal, then let them marry in aeeonianee with the word of Gotl. “ 13nt thoae persons who are unitetl according to the former c»stoms of this country, and are still living togetber. oae man and oue woman. and there is nothing to render tbeir uniou illegal, their union is hereby confirmed anew in the saoie manner as those who are married. “But from the pre.sent time all persons are probibited from uniting together according to the former customs, it is proper to marry.’* Here also «re some further explanations. lf two persons wish to marry, it is nut proper to act haatily, but proceod cautiously, iu order that one may become acqnainted with the cbaracter of the other, Iest difficnlties I arise after marriago. Furtliennore, it i» impropor for an old woman to morry a boy, and also for an old man to marry a girl, but it is peeu liarly proper tbat their «ges be uear aliko. Whercfore it shall be the duty of scbool teachers nnd also of tbose priests who so!emnize marriages to instruct meu aud women iu these particulars. THE EOLLOWINO 1>ER80NS ABE PROniBITED FROM MARRIAOE. I. A boy who has uot arrived to fourteenfyears of «ge. II. A girl who hes not arrired to twelve ye«rs of «ge. III. A man who has a wife living, and h«s not obtained i a written divorce together with the consent of the v}orernor for him to marry again, be sball n<>t marry. IV. A woman whose hnsbaud is Iiving, and has not obtaiued u writteu divorce together with the cousent of tbe Governor for ber to marry again, she ahall not marry. V. A boy uuder tbe age of twenty ye«rs ean not marry without the conseut of his parents, if they are liriog. So | j alsu a girl uuder the «ge of eigbteen ye«rs ean not m«rry witbout the consent of her parents, if th«y are liriug. But 1 if the parents criminally witbbuld their oonsent, then tbe i judges may iustitute an exHmination, and decide wbetber ■ the marri«ge shall be soIemnized or not; VI. It is taboo for a man to marry the folloving relations. 1 His grandmotber. 2 His grandfuther’8 wife. 3 His wife’s grandmother. 4 His fatber’s sister. 5 His mother's sister. 6 F«lber’s brother's sister. j 7 Mother’s brother’s wife. 8 Wife’s father’s sister. 9 Wife’s mother’a s»ster. 10 Motber. 11 FHther’s wife. 12 Wife’s motber. 13 Daugbter. 14 AVife’s daughter. i ° 15 Son’s wife. 16 Sister. 17 Son’s daagbter. 18 Daaghter’s. 19 Son’s son’s wife. 20 Daughter’s son’s wife. 21 Hosband’a aon'a danghter. 22 Hasband’s danghter’s dangbter. 23 Brotber’a daoghter. 24 SUter’s daagbter. ! 25 Brotber’s soa’s wifo. 26 Sister’s son’s w»fe. 27 Wife’s brotber’s daoghter. 28 Wife’s aister’s d*ughter. (To Bt CkmiinuecLj