Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 Iulai 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Mr. Ralpb R Foster wlio pre ; sented himself to puhlie uotice, i as the prosecutor in a late suit 1 against Capt. H. M. Haywavd inends to leave shortly for the Coast. A11 who are interes(ed in the lolani Sohool are inyited to be j pvesent at the closiug exercises tomorrow at 2 p.m. After the exercises in the schoo! roora an exhibitiou of athletic sports will be given, The Dai Nippon has received a ; large invoice of fine Japauese goods by the Rio Janeiro They j were opened this afternoon and will be on view tomorrow. lt is well worth calling »nd inspecting thera. Joseph Caceioras tbe raurderer of poliee ofticer Kauhane. and who was oouvioted of murder in i the secoud degree, bas been rofused u uew trial. Justice Judd voicing the opinion of tbe Sup1 remo Court thexeon. The Missionary brig Morning ; Stur, Captain Garland sailed this afternoon on ber anoual cruise in the South Seas. The usual religious services were held on board. Only a dozen of the lately arrived Japanese “students” were found lacking the necessary $50 to permit tbem to land. Port Surveyor Sanders has seized tbem as contraband aud the_\ are at present ut the Polioe Stutiop. They will be so!d at the earliest opportunity. A “paper ohase” or “hare and honnds” race will take plaee tomorrow eveuing, the start being made at 7 o'olook from Melntyre’s, corner of Fort and King streets. The rnn is noder the aospices of tbe Amatenr Athletic Ciub, and is open to ali who wish to run as “hounds.” The closing exbib tion of tbe St Andrew*a Priory tcok pUee U«t evening ia the scbool rooms, and was a most interestmg and enjoyable eront A Texy Urge audi«ooe oomposed of parents and friends of Ihe schoUrs, was preeeot

A large namber ot people ts ttkitig in tbe closing exercises of the popils of St. Aadrews Priory this afternoon. Senator Morgan reports even> - thing lovelv on Hu»vaii — except tbe ro-uls. The gre.ut si.itesman wasobligeil foride several miles on a p. g. mastaug over a p. g rosd. He uew prefersa "stand* iug" vote and looks sospicinas at anybody talkiug "fandamentai ’ law to him. Mr. W. G. Irwin left for Pearl flarbor this ii!nrning on tho yacht Helene. He was accompanied by Mrs. Iiwin aud a party among ; whom were Mr. Cauav*rro, Capt. Hoadlette, Lieutenaut Logan, Dr.Crandall, the Misses McGrew. C»rawell, Vid t, Hartwell, Atkinj soa and others A big iron try pot of the pat- | tern formerly used by wbalers 1 was uneartbed to-day on tbe Von Holt premises where ground is now being broken for a new building. The pot was not fall of dubloons but Mr. Cnnha intends to plongh up his lot before erecting his niuo story building, and see if he can’t find a pot with dubloous.