Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 July 1894 — Professor Adelstein’s Concert. [ARTICLE]

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Professor Adelstein’s Concert.

A I*rge.mdfashion <bleandience were preseut «t the Mandoiine mus'c«le «t the Opert Hoase last evening. The expecb«tioos of the pahlie were fnlly jofiti fied nnd the performance was excellent, and gre«tly appreciated. Mr. Ade!stein prov«Hl himse’f an «rtistic player bolh on the Maudolin and on the Lnie. He was ably assisted £by Miss McGrew, M iss Burhaus. Mrs. W.irriner, Miss Paty and Messrs Heitroan and Paris. A severe cold prevented Mr. W Hoogs fiom appearing. Altogether the mnsicale was a great success, and Prof. Ade!stein is to be compIimeuted on his enterprise, and ou his taleut as a player.