Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 July 1894 — LOCAl NOTES [ARTICLE]

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Tbe Bonrd of Heuitb boida a EDeeting this afternoon M)»rsh»l Hitcbcook weni to Maui vesUrduy. The morning St ir left for tbe Soath S-*a.s tbis afternoon. Mr. C A. Spreckels returaed to Mhui yesterdav by the steamer Claadme. Bear-Admiral Walker u» snffering from one of Job's aiiments; boils, Tbe P!ains b«rglaries are becoming nnmeroa.s of late withont the desired resu!t of a capture. Tbe niembers of tbe Ameiiean Leitgne nre reported to bave Uikea auother oath. The Supreme Court Justicts *bave all t ikon the oath to support tbe Kepnblic of Hawaii, Tbe Presidential side of Emma street is now being very carefully macadamized. Tbe Board of Heaitb sbould be in session this afternoon. The street sprinkler is taking a vacation. Water is not obtain able and beer is too expensive. Mr. Dole and a party sailed for Pearl Hurbor tbi« moruing on tbe vacbt Hawaii. _____ 1 Carl Widemaun and Charlie Magnire were electioneering, at latest advices. among the Kaiiua cattle. Mr- Julian Monsarrat and the ex-bonorable Wa'.pnilani were passengers on tlie Malulani. “Oee mioa” a thrilling drama, by D. M irtiu Crowley, is billed , for the Opera House on the 28th iust A late issue of $10 notes bear the siguatures of W. G. AsLloy,, as Registrar; and S. M. Damon,i as Mmister of Einanee. _ “Water ! water ! ” is the daily cry of residents in various por-' tious of the city especially on the Plaina and Kunanu avenue. —. — Five inter islands steamers sailed for ditferent points from port here yesterday. A nsual Tuesday occurrence. Bisbop Galstao and Father Valentine were p«ssengers for Mani yesterday by the steamer Claudine. The Underwritera meet tomorrow in the Cbaraber of Commerce. Rates are liahle to be advanced on acooout of the inadeqaate water »npply. There are yet uo report in regard to the »lleged “aell” o! the g,me betw®en tfae Kam’s «nd the Crescenta. Seuator “Doolittle” Morgan and Honolnlu*s sweet singer, “ Will” Hoogs both returned to town yesterday from a trip to windward. Arrangementa are progreaaing )ookiog tp the reorganiiation o£ the Meehaaiea’ Union ao as kr «xiatiog pohiieal questiona f«fthuiB|" in ihe near tntorn.