Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Auolion Sale ot Hiee Plantatation ut AVaikiki*kni. In p#r»a»uof of ia»jniv*tioas frvm *t0 SVX ! at Kwi, I»Und of Osha. H. L, tW ooOaw o»m<M ’n * Cbanie Mortg«Ke, ewale*! br ! CHBOX« KIM TAI. dated Octol>er l««i v>d rvc\'nied iu Liber 13». p*ge» i57-«, 1 »haJl *fll to tb- highe»t bid<len »: »a<'tk>n. »: mr >*.>'■« Roou>. H Miolala, on S.\TVRDAT tbe '.Sth <Uy of Jaiy. 1804. mt 13 o'eloek ooon, ‘ tb< ft>lloipng propēfty. rlx: The Rsce PUnt»tk>n, knowu ms the ( heon$ ' Kim T*i. ,formerty the Tee HopCo', Plant*tk>n, at VV aikiki-kai, Hooolnln. lnciading all t leaee» of Umi* etnbrace<l thereia, on whieh j are dweUing bou.«v, ouUkonaee, threshing floor aad c*]aij>nienla of * well coadac(ed rlcr i pl*ntation: al*o *it the implemcnt« of onltiI Tatlon. hor*es. wagoo. etc. A *chednle of the lea*es and otber properlT i concerned may be »een at the olll'« of C. W. ! AaHronD. Att»mer for the Mortg*gee. Term» of S*le, Ca>h, Deeds at expeuse of ’ parch*āer L. .T. Lovey, Au<itontcr. 4DHmmR4T»R a S XOTICE. TITE L*NDTIRSIGVEID hsTĪng been <Inlr appoiule,! A<lumiistrator of the E*t*te of , P \HIA KALOI k. of Mok*e. H*o*. M*ni, decease l, wonld heiwwuh gĪTe noliee tO *ll , persous h*Ting *cc >nnt* ng*in*t the s*id estate to present them to him. properlv sworn to, withiu &ix montb* frum <l«te heivof. or they will be foreTer baned. And , »11 persons owing the s«id estate are re- ■ quesWd to settl« f»rthwith. M. II REVTER. i Administrator of the E»tate of Pahi* Knloi deo**sed. Haua, M»ui, Jnly 7th, IS9f. jy9-Im POl ND MaST£R*S NOT CE. ■ Notice is hereby given to al! persous. th*t I there is *t the OoTerument Ponnd at Makiki, one strayed red mane. brand indisj cribable on the right hind leg, tail have been shorten and feet are shod. Any pemon or persous owned thls mare are rsquested to eume aud take the s.-me on or ūfore the <lay of sale. 1*2 o'eloek noou SaTURDAY, JULT ‘2lth, 1894 JAM£ri KOKON’A, Ponud 'lister. Makiki, July 9th. 1S94. 1-» dly CRITERION SAL00N, * Weiland'Extra*Paie Lager Eeep 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jyl t L. H. DEE. Prop’r I[iE MID-OCEAjl POOL and 5ILLIAE0 PAKLOK8 i H. JUEX Proprietor Hotcl Strect near N’uuanu. ! \ BElV DEpA((ĪUl(E tk daw’n Messeofer Semee o L. M. Joh.\so.v, Manager Mntu*l Tcl 599 Bcll j e | -,59 OFElCE in MASOVIC BDTLDIV(» W e »re prepared to fnrnisb auiformed is«at «II honrs. Promptn<,>* »nd »«t;.«uctioa guaranteed. Tou ring u* np aod we will do the re»t. Honriy ratc» 40 cent». For distan'’e rate« see Messen<en» Map. j v j For Sale! Two bred Boars. ESSEX and CUESTEK. Apply to SEAJBORN LUCE. On Merchant Street. jy ōth. paVi!ioq HoUi and Belh*-1 St* Crowded Nghtly. Take it in Boys E>lis >n s Loud Talking Phono—graph Jyll tm J- A. VICTOR, Proprietor 6ilf Chan, SO 330 .WUAW ST8EET. HOSOLCXU □Ta*ilor A fine assortrnent rf Eng.ish and 8c >tch Cl>‘ths r»n h«nd g»■ d ar«>rk «nd a FIRST CLASS fit gi»-r.nteed Cf- ih se»ac d • iv|>a r--d jy7trn Tal Wo Wing Kee Co. 3« >’UUAVU 3TR£SI D*itas m L«dies’ A lienU’ B <ots •nd 8bocs made to order. TOāu*R jj9