Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 166, 18 Iulai 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Advertiser who catches a persons eye xisaally wins a j cnstomer. Many difierent styles | of advertising have been adopted and with more or less success, by the believers in the nse of printers ink. The manafacturers of Pears Soap, for instance. occasion I ally bny paintings that h«ve been on eihibitiun in the Pari’s SaIon and have Iithograpbs made from them for the pnrpose of bringing tbeir prod'ict before the people. In addition to saoh , side issues, Pear'speuds hnndrevls j tbonsHQcls of duilars annnaih' among the newspapers and magazines. Some years ago tbe Agents of certain article on sale in New York made a hit iu advertising by baving on Bro.tdway during bns iness hours two fatluessly dressed Negroes wearing very high collars, on the backs of whieh was prin- ; ted “Use Smiths Pills.” The : ide.t whs novel and tho pnbiic [ canght on. Rising Sun Stove Polish bas beeu kept before the j public for years tlirough persis- j tent, and sometimes espeu«ive advertising. Twenty odd years [ ago the manufacturers of tbis t polisb started half a dozen men 1 acrossthe orui ncut to paiut sigus ou rocks and fences Tbe Aermotor Co., of Chicago have in- i creased its sales more’ than five i bundred per cent in two years hy the use of printers ink. We believe we have beon instrumental in increasing the sdes of the Aemotor by keepingeverlastingly at it in Mawaii. -j We do not wish to say tbat ad- J vertisiug will sell auy manufac- i tured article; there is no use spending money in advertising •‘eheap and nasty” gocxls becanse the people will not be hoodwinked. If Haviland Ohina was not the superior article it is. all our advertising of it would not have sold the tbonsands of pieces that we have. Wo simply eall tbe attention of the people to it 1 and its superior quality is apparent to the customer directly a pieee of it is examined. Printers ink has helpeel the sale of the James Locked Fenco but it would not have dones so if it had been as flimsy as tbe or dina}- wiro fence. First; the economy tbere is in building it recommends it to the plantatioD manager aud then its durability clinches the the salo , If the stays and washerscost as mueh as an ordioHrv redwood post our sales of th’e materiai wou!d not have reacbed such enormous proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy ! Iron Stovo is about two a day the year round. if was not tho , bost iron stove on the market we woulel not sell that many m six months. Advertising is the tip to the publ:c the good points in j thearticle sells it jost as the good ! qualities of the Fiscber Steel I Kange make it a desirable article j for people who wish toeconomise in the usc ot fuel. We bay only what has proven good after people in the United States or Europe have given it a trial; we profit by their experince if the articles are goood we bny ami seli tbem; if tbey are poor . westeerclear of tbem. When we adverti.se ao article it is to attract attention to it; tbe news- , paper : s the button we posh, tbe 1 salesman does tbe rest. Persistent advertising conpled with tbe artide being a supertor one has sold tboasands of the Frans Walcot Emory Fiie. lf it had been oo better Ihan an ordm.»ry scylta stone we probably w.*uld not have sold twenty. Wheu a m*n finds oat tbat his tabie kmves may be keptsh ,rp at »U iimee at aa expease of fifty cents »nd a very little elbo« grease be is quite vilhng io try the eipenmeni. Tte Hmu Hirt* ars a907 Fort btrM.