Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 July 1894 — HAWAIIAN HARDWARE COMP'Y [ARTICLE]

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The Advertiser wbo catches a persons eve usaallv wina a cnstomer. M»nv ditferent sty!es of advertising have boen adopte»l and witb more or less success. by : tbe believers in tbe use of pnnters ink. The m>»nuf.ictarers of Pears So«p, for instance. occasion ally buy pamtings tiiat have been on exhibitiou in the Pari’s Salon aud bave litbograpbs made from them for the purpose of bringing their prod<iot before the people. In additn>u to sucb sije issues, Pears|teads hnndreds tbousands of do)lars annually among the n«wspapers and magazmes. Some ye.»rs ago the .Agents of certain article on sale in New York made a hit in advertising by baviug on Bro*»Jway during bns iness hours two fatluess(ydressed Negroes wearingvery highcollars, i on the bicks of whieh was prin- ■ ted “Cse Smiths Pills.” The ide.» was novel and the pnblie ; caught on. Rising Sun Stove Poliah has been kept before the 1 puhlie for years tlirough persis- j tent, and sometimes expensive j advertising. Twenty odd years aga tue manufactarers of this po)ish started lialf a dozon men acrossthe omimenl to paiut sigus on rocks and f**nces. The Aermotor Co., of Chicago have inoreased its sales more than five bundred per cent in two years bv the u.se of priuters iuk. We i believe we have boeu instrumen- ! tal in incroa-sing the siles of the | Aemotor by keopingeverlastingly i at it in Haw.iii. We do not wish to say that advertisiug will sell uny mannfactured article; thero is no use spending money in advertising "eheap and uasty” go<Kls becmise the people will i!ot be hood- ; winked. If Haviland Ohina was not the snperior artiule it is, all | our advertising of it would not j have sold the thousands of pieces | that we have. We simply eall the utteotiou of the peopie to it ! and its superior quality is appar- 1 eut to the cnstomer directly a pieee of it is exumined. Printers ink has helped the sale 1 of the Jume« Locked Fence but it would not h »ve dones so if it had he«n as flimsy as the or dinay wire j fence. First; the economy there is in buiiding it recommends | it to the pluntuticn manuger un»l then its durability clinches the i the sale If the stays and wasb- • erscost as mueh as au ofdiuary redwo<Kl post our sales' of the material would not huve reached sucb enonnoua proportions. Our average sale of the Pansy | Iron Stove is abont two a day the year round. If was not the best irou stove on the market we would not seil that raany in six months. Advertising is tbe tip t > the pubi:c the good points in thearticle seiis it ju>t as the good qaalities of the Fischer Steel Bange muke it u desirable article f«>r people who wish toeconomise in the use of fuel. I ( We buy only what has proven i goo<l after people in tlie (Jnited ! States or Eur<>pe have given it a trial; we profit by their experince | if tho articles are goood we buy j and sell them; if they are poor | we steer cle«r of them. When i we advertise an article it is to &t- ; tract attentiun to it; the newspaper ; s tbe botton we posh, tbe salesman does tbe rest I PersI5tent advertising conp!ed with tbe art'da beiug a sapenor , one has so!d tboosaods of tbe Fn»nk Walcot Emory File. If il bxd been no better than an ordinarv scytLa stooe ve probably w<»uld not have suld twenty. Wheu a mun finds oot that his table kuives may be keptsh.rp at all times at an expanse of nfty j cents and a rery little elbow ! greuse be is qoite willmg to try the expenmenL Tte Ma Ol 807 PoctStxMi