Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 July 1894 — The Blatherskites. [ARTICLE]

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The Blatherskites.

It is really too good fun to retnind the great patriots who alwayh are ready toyell: “forward, forward rae raen. I’in right behind | you,” of the resolntion passed at a meeting of working*oen in the Metropolitau Temple on the 6th j of this month. A thnndering vote of 3000 enthusiastic men endorsed the following reso!ntion: T\*e demand that the military i semce of this State and nation be remode!ed so as to provide for the ciassification o! regiments in snch iuanner that tuen who have the raost propcity shall be j drafted first into tbe miliiia and army. aud that sncb regiments mnst first be ordered to the front in case of v insnrrectious and civil aml foreign war. Where is Mr. P- C- Jones, the j ‘desceudant’ of Hill etc. Is he yet looking for his rnnaway grand dame ?