Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 July 1894 — That Wealth! [ARTICLE]

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That Wealth!

We are al«rays told by the j Adveriiser and ĪU satel!ites that ail tbe weahh, coorage, inleliigence and b<mesty are oo U>eir side We hare occasionally mcntioaed that at lejist «omt of the weilth</e belonged to the opposition represented by thīs hnmhle sheet. Mr Castle will uow confer a favor on us—aml ' acc>'rding to the bUtberskites, we are p;«rtners —by teliiug how D >le there. Even Mr. C<stle will hardly have the ga)I to meihion the intellijence of Mr. Dole. His energy has been commented on in this paper before totlay. His konet*ty has beea well illastrated when he broke oath ufter oatb, and since 1887. when lie was iu the secret conncils of the rebels, perjured and perjured hunself uud st;»bbed the hand of the raonarc!)s who befriended him. His courage bas raostly been showu when he sails in a yacht “captained” by well, never mind. \)’e do believe tliat there is coumge ikere. M hat he will 1 do in a war is yet a connndram. Kalakaua or Liliuokalani never needed special guards as does tlie virtuous aud tru!y popular Mr. Dole! Aud so his iutelligence, his honesty and his courage are not qualities glaring hke sunshine in the eyes of the Hawaiian people. Bnt his w'ealth! His money' That is, where ke is and v:e lie dowu and shv, *‘\anderbilt Dole take itall;yon have got iutelli penee, courage, honesty and weallh and like your millionaire bretheru, you kuow, how to meet a tas-assessor and hand hion thefol!owing fignres: Real Estate $33.60 Personal Property 18 90 $51 90 Taxes ' 90 Carriages 10 Poll etc 3. $65.90 Tbe great man rece'ves $12 000 a year from the tax-payers aud he returus $65 90. Verily Mr. Dole is good. patriotic, intelligent, courHgeous, honest is there anything else he is?