Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 July 1894 — THE NEW CONSTITUTION. [ARTICLE]

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W’e Jo not propose to annoy miī re»ders by entering iuto a |fcr ngb criticism of the absnrd nrtlcles of the c-»nstitotion fram cd by Dole, McStocker, Thursioo. Kennedy aml other gent.s Article 101, has a!ready h.«d onr •tteution. There it is provtded fthat no citizen shall be eligiiile fto bo a jur«»r nntil he shall bavo ftaken the following oath: I do solemuly «we«r,(or affirm) in tbe pre>ence of the Almighty C d, th«t 1 will sup}»ort tho Oon •)itntion, Lhws and G>»v®rnment •! the Republic of Hawaii; and will n«*t, either directly or iudhrectlv. encour«ge or nssist in fthe rest<irttton or establishment <•! a imm«rchicnl form of g«>veruancnt iu the H «waimn Island». *the list of jorors to serve at Hle August tertn nmst be drawn ftod>«y to comply with the law. We raore thau doubt the prss ib lity of the c urts to make np a ! J«ry aeeiiīilui" to law, fu!filling ft':e qua!ificat:ons set fortli in the ronstitution and acceptable to fth* jndge presiding, and the j »ltornevs for prosecntion and def*-tise. And what are yon then w>.;nc to dō about it Mr. W . O. 8niith? Uowever, tliere are other «!u uses of more iniportauce to Ihe conntry at this d>te. i\e lmve Wen afiked to pnb!ish tlie qo«lificatit>iis of roters foj repre«fntHtives. at;d wo comply below with the request. It will l>e seen |h;it Mr D»le has disfranchised «11 the Hiiwniiana wlio mayyetbe ■liw, «nd who were born before «rhools and civiliz.it on becaroe gcneral here. We are daily ! pDhlishii;g in i>uother eoinnin fbe “BIue Lawa" of Hawaii, • lrHmed fifty years ago by the a«rly missionaries ;>nd by the ft»ther of A. F. Judd. ft is •»{< iiisli!ng tofin«l Mr. D >le, who •*> d to apply the most deri»ive ftkt guage to those laws, to day lathenup a ci»nstiluti«>n whieh is ltss liberal, less civilized and less liemane. The francbise under ali former constihition« hns been | jjr.‘i;bd withont an edncational to Haw>nans, born previons to 1845. Mr D«>le lias •hanged that pniieiple, nnd tbe ch<r.ge dots nnt reflect favorably •n hiui. That fhe Japanese resi Au;ts hen* have received the »iglit of votiug eannol bo doubt- , #d by anybody reading MTticle 74. Th» se «re tbe qualifications of . «ctersorrepreseutativcs.He must; 1. 13» a male citizen t>f the »•1 »ublic; «hd >f nMtur*>iized prior ftp Jauu<>ry I7th. 1893, be a native •I a country h»vmg. or having Jk»d treaty re!atīons w*H» H. wai»; Have recei\ed apeeial lettersof d«nization entitiing lnm to all ftbe privileges of Hawaiiau oiti■pftsinp;or, Have received from ihe Mināter of th* luterior the Cert»ficate >«|hervice hereio provided for; & Have iesidetl in the Rep- 1 ■nwntatir» D>strict iu whieh be «S»re to regUter, not tess tban , wwe month immediately preceding j time at whieh he uflfere to. aaguler; & Huve attaioed the age of; lM&ty yw«;

4. Have t»ken and sul>scribed theoath set f«*rth in Article 101 of this Constitat»on; 5. Pr»«*r to e«ch regnlar eleetion, daring the time prcscribed by law for registr»tion, have caused his name to be entered on the Register of Voters for Repre sentatives for his d.strict; 6. Prior to snch registration have paul. on or before the first day of J.«nuary neit preceding the d**te of reg stration, all t.ixes doe bv him to tbe Governraeut. Provided however, that for the registration fur the first electiou hehl onderthe provisions herein, taxes roay be paid at any time pr:or to the appliealion for registration; 7. Ue «ble nnderstandingly to speuk, re«d and write the English or Hawaiian language. In order to comply with this requīremeot he sbail be able to read and write, with ordinaiy fluency »ny section or sections of this Coustitntiou. Provided however, that tbe re quirement be shall be able uiiderst:indingly to speak, read and write the Englisli or Hawaiiau langnage, shall n«*t apply to those persons who shall obt«in the certificate of servioe as provided for in Article 17.