Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 Iulai 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

F. GERTZ. IIAS RE-OPKN 1.1) Hls Boot & Slioe Store, Opp'iailo the C'ob Stab!e oa Fort Street. and will be g'*d aee hia old fnends IO;ty7-tf. Tkl j66- r. O. Bo» WING WO TAI & 00, No. »5 Ncva*u St«kkt. Honol t 1C' H. L Commision Merchant&, — — IvrORTXRS A5D DtALULS »- 6enerai Merchandlae i Flne Manila Clpmm, Chioc#« and Jsp«!tese Crwkery w»re. Mattinj{s, VaKi ol »11 kiml», C«mpborwo>Hl Tmnk«, Rattao Oliaim A Fine A«»ortment of Drra» SiUu. Cboice»t Braod» o( Oiineae aa<l Japanr«e Tra* of Late*t lmport»'ion« !ntpfction of A'ew 0ood* rt*pt*tfnUy *>ūu<i. ju!y«LO^T. A FOX TE15RIER B1TCH : Hnswering to the namo of ‘Fatch.” A reward will b« paid for ber recovery nl tbe Ancbor Salooo. coroer of Nuuaou an4 Kmg streets. Chas. T. Ouliok NOTARY PUBLIC For the Island of Oahn. Agent to Tate Ackoowledgoien(a to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Lieenses, Honolulu, Oahn. Agent for tbe Haw’n lslands ol Pttt k 8conr‘8 Freigbt and Parcels Expree8. Agent (or the Borlington Konta Eeal atats Bnte mG«ieR]ift} Bell Tel. 348; Mnt Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE: No. 38 M£RCHANT 3treet Honolnln H. i.