Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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=MODERN TIMES s o a ip: Seventeen Bars of the Very Best Quality of SOAP for $1.25, •' Honest \Veight ” SOFT SOAP, in Tins of Forty-two Pounds. $1‘2 > CANDI-ES, — Triple lVes<ed Stearic Wax Mining Cnndies, Mannfactured by the Eraery Candle Company of Cincinnati, ;»t Fifteen Cent' IVr <’ > in L K.ITOHBN 8ALT, In Sacks of Otie l!undred Pounds t Fifty Cents j>er Sack. r Tal>lo St*lt Awn,v. PīEEvrooD. .Ten Dollars per C rd, Delivered to any House in thia City FREE 0F CHARGE. HOP BEER! Qn«rt Bottles One D»Ilnr Per Dozen; Pint BottIes Fifty Cents Per Dozen. Mulual Telephone 314. NICOL 48 Bethel Street. Honolulu. H. I

MACFARLANE «V C0 Dealers in Winen aml Spirits Sirw>t. Honolnln. H. E. & BRO., Gboceby, Feed Store & Eakeki, | Corner of King and Fort Sts., Honolnlu F. H. REDWARD. COKTB*CTOR a.vd EUII^EK, No. 506 King Street, Honolnlu, Hawaiian Isl«nds. J. PH1LL1P8, PRACTICAL PLDMBER, GAS.FITTER X»>PER-SMITH, flouse and Ship Job Work Promptly Executed. No. 71 King Street. Honolnla. Dr, ATCHERI.ET, M. R. C. 8. (Eng.) L. R. C. P. (Lond.) HA9 R RMOVE» TO OFFICE FORMERLY oecni>ied hy Dr. Foot»“, Cor\er of Pr\THBOWL «» By.RETA.VIA Strests. Mot. 2»4, Bell Ml. jn29 Im FOK 8.ILE. HOU8E a.\d 1 OT AT FWIL.FI, Hokolcuj. ; Euqaite on ihe premisea, or of JOE db 8AST08. ja29 Iw Aboard W. G. Hall. NOTICE. AUperaons Rre hrrebr prohibited from tre&p*ssing or tMking »nr tbīug fmm the . UnU of ehe nn«er8igoed, sita.«ted «t Maolee, Hana, Ishtn l of Mani. MAIJ£ MAUKALOA. Kahhiuka, Oaha, Jnne 28, 1894. ju33 Im WM. DAVIES/ Riars:er, StevedoiN> a-to ~W recker. KSTIMATEs axd coxtkacts ox ALL KIXDS OP WORK. Inquire at Offiee of J. 8. Walker, ov-r Spreokels’ Bank, or Wright Broe Fort Streei| <W IA4f ' A. S. MEDEIROS 4 00.. Merchant Tailora.