Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 Iulai 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOLOMU^, 18 PCBUSHED Everv aVfternoon EXCEPT srXDAY BY THE Holomua PubIishingCo. At King St. (Tbooias block), ' Hooolulu, H. I. SUBSCEI?nON, per Mcnth, 50 Cts, The paper « deliT»red by Carriers in the town au.i ant*nrb,. Single Oopies (jr Snle et lue ews I>eitlers end at the Office of pmhiieelHNi. EOUUHO NORRIE, - - Editor GEORGE E. SMITHIES - Manager NOTICE. All Ba«nee« ComaiuPications should be ed<lresee<l to G**orge E Smithies HonoInlu, H. I. O»fT0sponnence en<l Commnni«itions tor pnhlicHtionshonld be ad<lre«8ed to the Bditor Uewuii Hulumna. No notioe will be peid to aur <*nonynion« contmunications. Business Cards A. P. PET£RSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OAoar 11* Kaehnmenn S»reet. Uonoluln Heweiien Islends. CHARLES CREIGHTON, attorkey at law. Offloer 113 Kaehnmann Street, Honoluln Hawaiieu Islands. PAUL NEUMANN. attorney at law. 314 M©rchant Street, Honolulu, Mutnal T-elepbone 415. CLARENCE W. ASHFORD, attoekey anb counsellor at law. Office. <3ld Cepitol Bni)ding, (Honolnln Heie), adjoining Post Office, Honulnln. J0HN LOTA KAUl.UKOU, attorney at law. Office, enruer King A Bethel Sts. —. - — — A. ROSA, ATTORMEY AT LAW, Ko. 15 KaahomanuSt. .Honoluln, Havaiian Islands. w , | ... — - M. H. LOHEIDE, 8!GK AND ORNAMENTAL PA1NTER[H.iwaiiaa Hardware Go>3 All orders promptly attended to. H. F. BERTELMANN, OONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. 86 King St., Bell Telephone 107. LKWI8 J. LEVEY. Beal Estate and <reneral Auctioneer: OornfefFort and Penonal *tte«|t»*>« p»*» lo 8elee oI FnroiUire, Beal Eetate. Stook «wI Oeaeni ■ ' .‘V