Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 Iulai 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Fire, Liife d lKIarine INSURANCE. HARTFORD F<RE INSURAXCE C0.. Aseete. $ 7.109,825.4^ LONDON LANCASHIRE FIRE IXS. CO.. Assete. $ 4,317,052.00 THAMES MERSEY MARINE INS. CO.. Assete, § 6,124,057.00 . NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., / Assete, §137,499,198.99 C. O. BERGER, Generai A?ent f>r the HawaiiNii U>Mi>ds. (l<>n>.|nto 1=1, E, Bf^0 IMPORTERS AND DEALERS CN Oroceries, 3Provisions % AND Feed, EAST CORNER F0RT & KING,STS. New Goods Rec’d By every Packet from the Eastern States and Enrope. Fresh Caliform« Produce by every steam«-r. All orders faithfully attended t», and Go> da delivered to any part of the city FREE 0F CHARGE. īsland Orders Solicit«d. Sat s{«ctiou Guar«utetd. Poat Offire N . 14ft. hone N . <*2.
plaiiūnal Ipon Wo^ QC£KN Street, Betweeu Alakea A Richard Sts THE ŪXr>ER&IGNED are prepareU to make nll kinds of Iron Brass, Bronze. Zinc, Tin and x.ead Caating». Alno General Repair Shop fur Steam Engine», Rice Milla, Corn M Us, Wat«r Wbeels, Wind MiUa, etc. Maehinea for the Cleaning of Coffee, Castor Oile, Beans, Kamie, Sisa’, Pineapple Leavea & other Fibron> P1ante, And Paper Stock AUo Maehinea for Eitracting Starch fro» the Manioe, Arrow Root, etc. |y All Ordere promgtly sttended to. WHITE, RITMAN « CO. Ho Yen l(ee^(5o. Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, dAsswara, §c. water pipes laid axd plumbing NEATLY EXECUTED No 41 Nnoann St, bet ween Klng and Hotel A*en Bnilding jyd 2m Kwong Siii2r JLoy Merchant Tallor, Dry Goods, Men and Ladies's\ Shoes. Ko. 407 King8treet. near •‘Uolomoa.'' j»tly 5 YEE CHAX, i DEAI ER IN Fiije Farni$hing K ne Tail**rng Fine Chn»eee «nd Japanese H-ndkerchrefs Noe. 31 t<» 33 N'iuanu St. H‘nolulu, P.O. B‘«x 2.>3. jy5 W.S. LUCE| Wine and Soirit Merchant OampheU Fir«-proofBlock, MSROHAHT8T. HONOLŪLU.
Empire SaIoon, JAMES OLD5, Pfu>rKirroR: Fine Wiiiee, Liquops. 33eer ALWA8 ON HAND, Conter Nunauu and Hotel StreeU. Bell Trlephone 241. Poet Offic« 0ox’107 Cltysā Meat Oppo. Queen Emma Hall, Establisbed 1883. J0S. IINKEP, r J j Maker of Ihe CekbraUd Cambridge Pork Sausage f Tby Them. Meat Deliveml to Any Purt o( tLe City and Suburbs. Mutnal Telephone Nnmber 289, THE COMMERCUL siloon, Harry Klemme, Manager jCor. Nooaan 4 Berettnia sts. Houololo, H. I. The Only Sp>rt ng Hoose io Town. O. E. S. a Specialitv. L0HESGRIN LAGER lBEER, Atways on Or.aght 3 OLA83E8 FOR 25 GENTSL Best of Wines, Liquors, and Cigars,. ALWAYS ON HAND. inltf