Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 July 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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C0NSTITUTI0N and LAWS Framed bv tho Missionarie3. * 1 — LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. CHAPTER IX. | A LAW FOR TIIE REGULAT OV 0F UAWAIIaN WE1GHT AND MEASURES. The woights and measnres aporoved by the Hiwaiinn I«ws are those of M!tssacbusett-< Tbe yartl. theg»llon, t!;o ton and tbe pound «re all in aeeonlanee with tlio we ghta ! and measarea of M;vss«chii3ett.s, If woights aud U)easare4 1 of any ono do not accord with these, they are not approvt-J by this law. Here follows a full explanation. 1. If any one speaks of 1 Foot it sb:tll be 12 inehea, 1 Y«rd “ 3 Feet, 1 Fathora “ 2 Y»«rds, 1 Clmiu “ 11 Fiitho(D8, 1 Ftirlong “ 10 Chain«, 1 Mile “ 8 Fnrlongs. 2. If any one spenks of l Ponml it sha!l be lfi Ouneea, 1 Quarter “ 25 Pounds, 1 Hnnd. wt. “ 4 Q i«rters, 1 Ton . “ 20 Huodred we : ght The weights nsed in weighing beavy article aro thoso of I Massachasetts. . 3. In raeasnring cloth aud such like tbings, when ouo speaks of 1 Nail it sh»ll be 2 1-4 lnchos, I Quarter yaid “ 4 Nails, 1 Yard “ 4 Qnartors, 1 Fathom “ 2 Yards, 1 Pio “ 3 Yards. This measure also is like that of Massacbosetts. 4. In tbe measurement of li(]uids. when any one spenks of 1 Pint it shall be 4 Oills, 1 Qnart “ 2 Pints, 1 Oallon “ 4 Qnaits, 1 Hogshead " 63 Onl]ons. 1 Pipe ** 2 Hogshcads, 1 Ton “ 2 Pipes, or 252 gals, These are the weigbts and me<isares adopted in this eonn» try, not like tbose now ased in Gro.it Brit«in, but iike thoso formerly used there. and now used in 3I«.ssacbnsetts. 5. If any one uses woights or ineHsares «t v«riance with tbose mentioned «bove, and in c>nse(jaoiice of socb variattco ; the one witb whom he trades suffers loss. or if h« nses thera . deceitfally; he bas broken tbis law and ahail be dealt wiih ; as a thief. Tbis law sball take eff-?ct on tue first day of Jannary, in tbe year of onr Lord 18ll. This law w«s eoaei d by tbe Nob'es of these Hawaiiaa Islands, on this twelftb day of November in tho year of onr Lord 1840, at Lahaina, Maoi. (8igned.) Kamkhamkha III. Kekauluohi. CHAPTER X. OF MAKIUAOE AND DIVORCE. From tbe tiroe of Kaahnmana down, the Iaws whieh sb<3 established over tbe Kingdom io r»latioa to marri«ge havo been valid, and tbey are still ao at tha preseut time, Her’s were as follows: (To Be Vontinxied.j