Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 July 1894 — AN EXCELLENT EXHIBITION [ARTICLE]
Drama. Farce and Mnsic at St. Lonis ColIege. * Au event always looked for ward to with interest, by friends of tbe institntion. is the yearly exbibit'iOn given by the scholars of St Lonis College nnder the ab!e direction und mauagemeut of the teachers of the ccllege. On this last oee »sion whieh took plaee last evening tbe events were as varied us usuai and eonsisted of, lst: a dr»ma, in 3 acts, entitled “The World's Fair Bovs,” nnd whieh poiuted the , - ’ 1 raoral that honesty was always tbe best polic\ r . »md showing in the tale, the trials and tribulations of a yoang orphan lad who, i after passing throngh raany vicissitudes and escapiug maoy temptations, at least e.nue out triumphant over injustice and wrong. The piineipai character was very well so.stained by Master George Schr;»der other parts i being well presented by M;»sters ; Cowes, Hansmann, Cul en, Kinney, Cook, Stew,»rd, Murray, ; , Loulu, Willis, Apiki, Lloyd, j J.-»rret and Hopkins The stage setting of the pieee was very pre- i sentable an»l two scenic views, painted b\ r Brottier Frank, a»l»Ied i greatly to the presentation of the production. Masicil iuterludes wore iutroduced betweeu vari<»us scenes in tho d tferent hcLs of the , play andcousisted ofasemichorus “Flower Land.” the tenor parts being sung very effectively by M»sters Neddie Crabbe and C. C <oper; a violin solo by Master Hansmann; a vocal solo, “W*here are the Friends of ray yonth” very brilliant vocalized by Master Neddie Crabbe I A semi-chorus “We are marching” by Souza, was so well given ■ thattheB»shopof Panopolishad to interpose his authority and plead for a non encore, on accouut of the number of other events on ; the programmp. A violin solo by Master Cowes and a vocal , »luet bj» Master Co»5per and Cnllen ended the musical interlndes of the drama. Part 2, of the programme was I begunbyaselection frora “Falka’’ adrairably perforrned by the orcbestra. A farce “The office 1 seekers” was pri»ductive of mueh II Uughter by the able prespntation ‘|of tbe official worry whieh a • I * m worthy Miuister of the Interior sustaiued from the applieanie for ( plaee and pelf. The pnneipal r characters were acte»i by Masters Souza. Spencer, Medeiros, Soares, and Kaimana. A ronsing chorus “Bill of Fare” taken part in by 75 boys under tbe direction of Brother Albert, | raade the rafters ring, and won ( hearty applanae. Tbe £xbibition ended witb a well executed March “eiopian,’* by the College orchestra. Tbe andience present filled the l»rge hall to repietion and pro- . bably nnmbered not less than i 500 people. Amongst those who were pres©ot was noticed; His ■ Lordsbip Bishop of PanopoIis i Rev. Father Leoa»re; Prof. Alei aoder and Antono Perry, Mrs. B F. Dillingham and Mrs F. S. ■ Dodge, of the Board of Edacation; | A. T. Aikinaoo, Inspector-Gen-1 enl of Sch<»ols; C«pt R <oke «nd i offioers of H. 6. M. Champion, [ A. S. Cleghorn, Mr a Mn. Thos. > Llqyd, Mr. * Mrs H.H.Williama, Mr. snd Ma. J. F. Bowlsr, Mr. <fe
31rs. J. McDonald, Mrs A. Sossnmn anJ the 31isses Mo*su»tQ Mr. and Mrs. H«nry D.»nes. Mr. «nd Mrs. C. Hopkins‘ Mr »nd Mrs. T. D *uglas. Mrs. E C. CnaLa, Mrs. C. Weatberw«i. Mr. aud Mts. T. R. Luc-s. Mr. and Mrs. CUrence Crabbe. >lr. and Mrs. T. B. M»rray, Mr. and Mrs». W. S. B«rtrett. Mr and Mrs J. J. SnUivin, Mr. and Mrs. T. B McTigbe, Mr. and Mrs. T. Sollivan, Mr. and Mrs Stewanl. Mrs. »nd Mss Feruaudez. Anione Fernandez. and niany, many, others.