Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 July 1894 — LOCAL NOTES [ARTICLE]

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The £lnb had a roosing meetiag last eveniag aod the pUtform was la«d fur a Repuhlieau party. Tlie eleventh annual closing e\ercises of St Louis College took pUee th«s nioruing, and was •wall attendcd by p*rents and friends of tbe schoUrs. The Board of Un lerwriters of this city exj)ect to have a meeting ou Thursdiy next. The stockholders of the Ewa Plantation will raeet to-niorrow morning at tbe office of Messrs. Castle «fc Coofce. Two young society Iadies leave for Kauai thisevening—Bon voy age. ‘ Mr Abraham Fern indez has a bouse to let. The premises are just what you waut! Mr. B. F. Hofficker is the authorized agent of tho H.iwaimn aud Commercial Sugar Company. The HoLOMUA acknowledges esj»ecial conrtesies from Brotbers Albert and William and M;isters Frank Hughes and M. Perreira at the St. Louis College concert. Mr. Penrose is now the pastor of the Central Uuion The poor thiug criticized the life of N ipo- i leon yesterday. Later on he may ■ even copimeud on tho life of Dole or Je.sus Christ. In fact he is there. * Tho departure from these islauds of Mr Hugh Center wili be keenly felt by everv body ae-1 quaiuted with thrtt popuUr gentlej man. Mr. Center’s repntation as ; a sug »r man, a plant »tion mana-1 ger, and a bospit»ble, popular aud generons g-*ntleman has never beon surpassed here.

*• ' 1 Adrairal Walker aud officers of tbe Flagship Philailelphia received aud accepted complimentary tickets to the St Louis College coucert. The Admiral is suffering from a sligbt indisposition and could not be present no other Anierican naval officer was.

At the exc8llent exhibition giveu by the schobirs of St. Lonis College last evening. Brother Frank had charge of the stage, Brothers Albert and William of tho music and singing and Brothers Tbomas and Loais of tbe elocntionary presentation of tbe drama and the farce. A b >ttalion consisting of three coropanies of sailors and one of marines, was landed frora the U. S. S. Philadelphia for shore drill at 9 o’eloek this morning, After roanouvres at the M tkiki reserve the troops marched into town at 11 a.m. and re-eiubarked for the sbip. From tbe momenl that the ' order was given to embark nntil the last of the six bo its, witb a total of 160 men, left tbe shore the time was three minutes. C*ptiin Griffiths who is sowell knowa and appreoiated bere in H molula, botb oa aeeonni of his being ihe master of Ihe fast flyer the bark Albert and his own genial qnalities, is new feelīng justly pr»»ud o( tha perfunn«nce of his soo Alfred, who, in a bicyq!« contest at Oaklaml, held latej ly, broke ihe Coast record for 10 ■Ues, making the distance in 30 minntee, beeting the record 16 eeconda. The ohampion rode ' «CWr«laad.