Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 165, 17 July 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Aiielion Sale ot lliee Plantatntlon at W'aikiki-kaL In pr»Bi«w ot in#tm?tk>n# from 10 >l‘N of E«V ls!Jo<i di Oiha. U. L, lbr iu • Cbaltlr emuuō br CHCON<i KIM TAL i»r«d <>cto'.«fr 2«tū lfttt «ud reo)rd«d ia Liher lity, 3ST—1 «Ikūl «eU to tbr bicbr»t hidel«-n tt aaelhia. it »1 S«l» ‘ Ri.x>m, H Hioluiu. in»S VTCRDAt tbr JMa >iay of Jaly. 1*01. »1 U o’Hoei nooa. thr fc»Uowīas prop*rtT. rit: Thr K;o- PUmiUoō. kno»» «- the < brmt< Kim Tat. j>»rmt Hy tbr T<r Hop Co>. Pi»ot»tion. <t Honolnlu. iarlnd:njf »11 of Untb rnbraord tbcneia. >m wbtrb *re dwrllin» h>»H-, oatbon#r». thrtr«hii\£ door aod npiiwu.-ol» of a wrll o»nducteJ rire nianlati»n. il*o »11 lbe nuplemenl» of coltiT»tion. h»r»rr.. vifi<a, rtr. A «hrdalr of tk> loon and o*hrr proprrty rt»nrvrnrd may br *»t-n at tbr »tficv t>f 0. W. Amkui, Atlomri for thr ,lforlf»crr Temi» of S»Ir, Cx»h, DctJi at rxprn#r of porcbn#rr I.1. I«ev»\v, Atutifftuer. AI>m \ISTIt iTORX \OTlC'E. TKE UNT>F1RSIGNED haring hrrn Jnly app»iutnl A>iiuiuistr»tor of thr Ls!»u» of F \UIA KALOI k of U >t»r, Han*. Mani. droe«sr<I, w»nld hcrv«nth gtre noticr to all porsons h*Ting aee >ants ,>gvm>t ihe s.o>I rsute to prrsrnt tkrtu to huu, pr»prrly sworn to, withm >n m»nths frum date hetvof, or thry wdl br forvTcr barred. Aud ai) prrm>ns owing the *ud esMtr nre requested to settie f. rthwith. M. H. RECTER, A<hninistr«tor of the EsUte of I’ahia Kaloi decc;ise>L iiaua, Mnai, Jnly 7th. IS9t. jy9-lm P0l .ND MAST£R’S NUT.CK. Notice is hereby giren to «11 prrsous, that there is at the Governaient Ponnd ut Makiki, one strayed ml mare, brand imiiscribal>le on the right hind lrg, Uil hare bren sb»rten and feet are shod. Any person or persous owneil this mare are requeste>l to eome and take the s.ime on or lx>fore the day of s.Ue, 12 o’eloek noou SaTURDAY, JCLY 2lth. IS!M, JAMEs KUKONA, Pound Mister. Makiki. Jnly 9th. 18W. 1-w dly CRiTERION 8AL00N, Weiland*Extra*Pale LagEr Heep 2 Schooners for 2o Gts. jy!4 L. H. DEE. Prop’r T()E MID-0£3EAJI PŪOL and EILLIAEŪ PAHLOH8 H. JLEN’ Propnetor Hotel Street near Nunanu. \ NElV the ri<i\v n Messeūger Servke L. M. JoH.\so.\, Manager Mutoal Tel 580 BrII Tel OFFICE io MA80NIC BCILDING We arc preparrd to ftiml-h nnifonned messrngers at all bour». Promptne*s aud saiisfartion guaranterd. T»u rinir u» np and we will do the rest. Houriy rates 4.) cents. For distanr» ratea »e« Me**rngers Map. j T 5 3 m F or Sale! Two fine hred Boars. ESSEX and CUESTER. to SEABORN LUCE, On Merchant Street. jy 5th. paVi!ioq Hotel and Bethel Sts Cro«ded Night!y. Take it in Boys E.iiaon 3 Loud Ta!king Phonogrnph J. A. VICT0R, jyll lm Praprietor Wilf SiBf Chan. NO 330 NCCANL STREET. UONOLI LU 1Cailor A fine a83ortment of Ameneao, Engli»h and Sd>tch Cl**tbs on h»nd gm d work and a F1RST CLASS fit gu»ranteed Cl 'th-3eaec!dn 4 rrpn red jy"Im Tal Wo Wing Kee Co. 3» NUUANU 8TREET Dewlen io Ladte«’ 4 Geote f Boote •nd Sbow made to ofdcr. ro*am