Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 164, 16 July 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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New York. Ja!y Bicbard Croker nrrived to-day on the steamer Majestic. Frotn the pier be was driven direct to Tammany Hall, where a Fourth of Jnly celebration was in progress. His appearance was greeted by entbusiastic cheering. London, July 4. J. J. Corbett has declared in i>irmiogbnm bis wiilingness to matcb Billy Plīm» mer against anybody of the same weight. CorfieId preferred. for j£500 or upward, tbe figbt to take' plaee eitber in America or £ngland. St. Petersburgh, Jnly 3. The gorernment has serred a notice npon tho goTemment of Tokio tbat Bossis will not permit Japan to occupy Corea. '