Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 164, 16 July 1894 — COMMON SENSE That Bush and Company did not Listen To. [ARTICLE]

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COMMON SENSE That Bush and Company did not Listen To.

Iu trving to talk sense to the people and advis;ng tbem to act in a sensible manner, we bave naturally brought down on our ,paper and on the head of the editor. a perfect cyclone of wrath. Aa a matter of course, we are , denied on opinion of our own. As a matter of course, we are told how to write and how to ialk aud as a matter of coarse.‘ the blatherskites who presume to parade uuder tbe titles of patriots and honest politicians demand that v.t (no cause for demand is given) shall abey with their decisions aud obey their orders. We beg to differ with the esteemed gentlemen who presume to ran this sheet. We beg to accept | their fearful threats of “what they are going to do.” In fact we beg them to talk less—a groat 1 deal less—and act a little more — tbat is, if they desire to be recognized. The Holomi’a has fought the , battle of constitutional government since the 17th of January, 1H93. In spite of martial law, in spite of persecution, threats aud boycoti, this paper under its prosent editor has conducted the politics of the luyal citizens of Hawaii through breakers, through opposition and through the joalousy for whieh certaiu alleged ilawaiians, noie ou our side are famous. Thepolicyof this paper has not been changed. The editor of this paper cannot be bonght or sold. We have told the men who form an honest, a just and a righteousopposition to ei(her fi<fht or vote. Aud we have beeu told that thereforo the paper is H/»i and that tbe editor is bribed. Now. let us ask you, you very patriotic, you most clever, aud you devilish smart men, what are you goiug to do? What is your policy? What is your renjedy? i Are you still Iookmg to Wash- : iogton waiting for that mythical answer? or nre you waiting for u miracle to happen? Or what in H are you waitiug for?? The Ka Leo alwavs illuminated ; bv the superior intelligence of Mr. Busb is supposed to eoutrol the Hawaiiaua, aud it bitterly i derides the Holomua. Wbere gent)emeu of 1889, was Mr. Busb wheu the trnmpet sonuded aud : called you forward to~battle < under the Wileoi banner? Henee, lieuee tlee to mouutains and bis j “fleas. f ’ Were therel Whero was the valiant Nawahi? where iu fact were the ‘big bugs’ who were to back tho few hordes l of badly armed, badly equ ipped, aud badly drilled patriots. They were, where they are I uow. At home and ready io pre- , 1 pare and to sign a proiest and , I oi:ing their tougnes for anv eloI cutionist feat. But in the fight. | They weren’t there. A large number of sensible , ; Hawaiiana here as well as on Maui and Hawaii fully realize and approve of the positipu taken by onr |ftiper. Mr. Bash and Mr. Nawahi, who *fe»r to lose their brief power over the HawaiI ian masses object to oor staad aud opposa it. They will neither fight nor vote. Let thom tell the people what to do! Wait ani Pray?T? Waitand Pray, have been the watchword of tbese men. Is it any nse any longer to wait and pray? Mr. Bush undoobiedly oan

affonl to “w*it »nd pr*y.” His sheet with its fin inoial snpport goes aiong smootbly anJ be. at least, doe* not feel the wolf of starvation standing at hisdoor. But yoa. the otber Hawaiians, are yon eqnally well sitirateti? Don t yon. in yonr sentinoental feelings towards yonr Alii, in yonr high strung feelings of patriotism andyour earnest hopes for the prosperity of yonr land, becomo raislead, duped, and placed in a position where yon will lose the golden —the only opportnnity? ,A Commission uas Ieft bere for Washington. Every man on it stated that his bonest belief was tbat it was fruit!ess and hope!ess. No answer ean be hadr from that committee, even if railroads are in runuing order. before five weeks have gone by. The answ«r will be adverse to the hope of the few who yet believe in American jnstice. Wheu it arrives the time for taking part in the oleetion will Lave passed. For six years. at least, the people will be Ieft in the cold. For sii years we are locked ont. Are you ready to face ihal issue, Mr. Bush and Mr. Nawahi? Or do you believe th*t God will cbaoge the constitntion?