Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 164, 16 July 1894 — TIT FOR TAT. [ARTICLE]

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Dedicated to the W C. T. ū. and j the Advertiser. A Kaoaaa cditor vbo oppo»ed , ▼omnn sutfr«ge in the Populist ronvontien met by a mob on his retuni home. led by women. aud was forcib!y drossed in h gown.shawl and bonuetand eoiupelled to march through the streets. Those g»*ntle urgnments are impressive. 11 nt whnt will tbe Udi< s 8<y when some Kuusas | ronnuunity tnobsMrs. Leaaeman | fashion —dresses ker iu trousers : ■ad mHkes her march t»> the tuue ol “Poll}’ put the ketUe on ?”— Tke VTtire.