Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 164, 16 Iulai 1894 — Good Republican Ideas. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Good Republican Ideas.

At a yery large and ver>' en tba.niastic meetmg of 8yrapathiaeni witb tb« powerfnl American Kailway l T nion, held at Metropolitan Teraple, San Francisco, oo July 6tb, tbe following preienbles and resolation. (well »ortbv tbe attention of lovers of peaeo aud order in Hawaii) were presented: Whebea», it has beon the enstom of the raonopolists and platocrats of all ages to so eonlrol the implements of indnstry and comnierce, especially raoney, banking «nd transportation, in aneh a manner as to accuraulate Ihe weallh of nations mto tbe bands of the few by enslaving tbe u»assos to ceaseless toil and then wbeu civil or arose lo send their slaves as soldiers to defend and protect the property »o taken by raonopoly from labor; and Whkb«A8, Such railitary service should properlv aml Iogically he bused uj>on the duty of sendmg first to war such peroons as huve the most pronerty to delend, und at the |>eril of wur. and Kiieh n system, in addition to bemg just, would soon pnt an •nd to war; therefor. be it R‘*olved, That we demand that rhe militaiy service of this Stute tad uation be remodeled so as to provide for the classification of regiraents in snch raauner that aieu who huve the property shall be drafted first into tho inilitia and urmv, and that such reginu‘iits must first be oulered to »he front in i‘ase of insurrections and civil and foreign war. Tho report of tho occurreuce goes ou tb say: No sooner wen* the last words ont of the readei’s niouth than a dozen voices moved the adoption of the resolutions. A thousand voices |iec(>nded tlie motion and on ttie vote uearly 3.000 tliundered out **Aye. ”