Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 164, 16 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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WM. DAVIES, Steveclor<* ANI> W recker. ESTIXATES AND CONTR-A(TS o.N ALL KIND8 oF WORK Inqniro at Ōflic- of J. h Walker. ov* r Sprerk*-K Bank or Wrigbt Bros> F«irt Str*-«*t.. 'lw F. GERTZ. )IAS RE-OPENEI> H)s Boot & Shoe Store, Oppoail- tf»** C.nl» Stab!e' ot Fort Stn*et. and will be glad tc see his oKl {neniln. m«y7-tf. Long Branch BATHING * « Establishment. This Fir8t-class Bathmg Re»ort bas been enlarged and is now open to tbe pnblic. It i» the best plaee on tbe islands to enjoy a bath and there is BO better plaee to lay otf. Speciai aeeom modations for Ladies. Tnimcan pass the door every half bour ane on Saturday8 and Snndaya even fifteen minntes. e. J SHERW00D Propn6tor. Uotcal Tu ni f. O. Bo* :$L WING WO TAI & C0, \o. »5 N'eeiW Sr«eET. Homuio H~ : Commision Merchanis, —IxroKTua m Dkalbmtx— Gencral Mcrchaiidtse. Hb« MiaiU Uor>. Chi»e« *nd ; j Japmart« cirockerrw*rp. Mitfin~*. ot «U k(od». CjUDpher»ood Truak*. 1UtUa Cbal*u A FU>e Aswrtomt of Drm SHk* Ct»asec»l Br»adA ol ChhM«e mmI T«m> o( Utstīsp«rliti«ai lM*pteticm o/ St\« Good* mSttL