Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 164, 16 July 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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OCEAXTC jSteamsliip :-:Co Tirae Tnble. LOCAL LINH 1 S.S. A.USTRALIA. | ! Tea Dealers, : Coffee Roasters AJiD Provision Merchants 93.Fort Stteet. - Honolnln Families, Plantptions and Sbips supplied with choicest Eu ropea n & -4 mtriran Groeerie9 CaUfornia Produce by Eveiy - Staamer. ’ LQST. A FOX TERRIEE BITCH, answering io the name of ■‘Patch. ,F A reward will be paid for her recovery at tbe Ancbor Saloon, eorner of Nuuana md King 8treets. j