Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 164, 16 July 1894 — HAWAII'S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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CONSTITUTION' and LAWS Framod bv the Missionaries. * LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. 18. Farthermore. it shall not be proper for the general scbool agont to give the toacher’s certificate to ignorant , persons, nor to |Tersous known to be vicions or immoral. If a raan eau read, write and understands geography and arithmetic, aud is a qniet and moral man, aml desires a teacher’s certificate, it shall be the dnty of the school agent to give him one, and not refnse. 19. Fnrthermore, all the tax officers are ieqnired to Iisten to the commands of the general school agents, whon they give onlen» for the payment of the teacher or teachers, in aeeonlaoee with the requirements of this law, or when they give orders for reboilding school houses. Tbo tax officers shall obey the reqnirements of this law. But they shall notify the Premier of all the property whieh they pay over to the school agents or teachers. 20. By this law, the statntes enacted in re!ation to scboois, on the 15th of October, 1840, aro repealed. Whon this law is publishetl, on the day that it takes otfects, then that law shall not be no longer regarded. But scho«.d eommittees regnlarly appointed shall hold their office through the year. when if tlie people chotise they raay appomt new ones. Farthermoro, all lands regularly givon to the teachers in accordance with the rcgulatiuns of that law, are eonfirmed to the teacbers by this new law, in the same manner as lands newly given ont by the general scbool ageuts. The day on whieh thi>i law shall take efiect shall bo as follows: Shonld it ho prochtimed in any village or township, then tlīb'day on whieh it is proolairaed ahall bo the d«y of its taking effect m that plaee. But if it is not proclairoed, then it shall take effect on the first day of Septomber uext, in all places iu the Hawaiian Islands. All the requireraents of this law havingbeen agreed to by the Nobles and by the Representatives. wo have set our naraes to the same, this twonty-first day of May, in tho year of our Lord, ono thonsand eight bnudred and forty-ono, at Lahaina, Maui. (Signed) KAMEHAMEHA III. KEKAULUOHI. CHAPTEIi VIII. LAW EESPECTING THE MAKINO OF RO.\DS. If any Governor wish a road made. he shall appoinl tbree i snrveyors who shall lay ont the road. And the {>eople a!so may do the same. If they wish a road raade tbey may proceed according to tbo directions in Chupter IV. But tbis ! Uw is enacted for the fnrther regulation of tbe snbject 1. If it be desired to make a new road, it shall be done as follows. There sball be tbree mea appointed who shall estimate the amonnt of property sacrificed by means of the road. Those interested in the road shail make the appoiniment, if the Nobles, then they shall appoint, or if tbe people, tben they sball appoint. 2. If any man’s honae stand in tho contemplated road, the committee of three sball estimate tbe amonnl whieh said man ought to receive for the damage he sustains in the loss of bis bouse. And be sball be paid acoording to tbeir estimate. Tbe samo also in caso a taro pond or other I property be damaged by the road. The owner sball bo ! paid accordiog to tbe tbe tbree men. 3. If the road cut the varions p!antations alike or noarly ' so, and does not cut tbem so as to occasion mueh damage, bnt io such a manner tbat ihe Ioss and gain too are mutual. then there shall be no damagas paid for tbe loss of land by l the roads. No man ean refuse to give up his land for a road. The decision shall rest entirely with tbe committee. 4. If the cbiefs are the persons who direct respectiog j the road. then tbey shall pay the damages sostained by the ; road. If the road is made at the direction of the people, tben they shall pay the damages »ustained. * Tbis law was enacted on tbe eleventh day of November, in tbe year of onr Lord 1840, at Lahaina, Maai. (Signed) KAMEHAMKHA III KEKAULUOHI. (ToBe C<mlinued.,i